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The brain has the power to tell us what we think, dream, imagine, say, learn, feel, the way we look at things from different points of view and much more.

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2 The brain has the power to tell us what we think, dream, imagine, say, learn, feel, the way we look at things from different points of view and much more.

3 Left Side of the Brain Left Brain Skills The left side of your brain is responsible for the more logical ways of thinking as well as your language. Language Your ability to express yourself in words is usually controlled by the front part of the left side of the brain. Scientific thinking Logical, scientific thinking is the job of the left side of the brain, although most science also involves being creative. Rational Thought Thinking and reacting in a rational way is mainly a left-brain activity. It allows you to work out a problem and to find an answer. Mathematical Skills Studies show that the left side of the brain is much better at dealing with numbers than the right side, and is responsible for mathematical skills Writing Skills Like spoken language, writing skills that involve organising ideas and expressing them in words are largely controlled by the left side of the brain.

4 Right Side of the Brain Right Brain Skills The right side of your brain seems to be the focus of your more creative thoughts and emotional, intuitive responses. It is also important for spatial awareness. Spatial Skills Your ability to visualise and work with three dimensional shapes is strongly linked to the right side of your brain. Art Visual art is related to spatial skills, and the right side of your brain is normally more active when you are drawing, painting, or looking at art. Imagination Your creative imagination is mainly directed by the right side of the brain, although expressing that imagination involves left-brain skills. Insight Those moments of insight when you connect two very different ideas properly come from the right half of your brain. Music Like visual art, music involves a lot of right brain activity but trained musicians also use their left brains to master musical theory.







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