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Senate Diversity Committee 2015-16 Mission: Recruitment, Retention, Faculty Senate Climate Surveys Elizabeth Goodnick Lin Huang Carmen Sanjurjo Barbara.

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Presentation on theme: "Senate Diversity Committee 2015-16 Mission: Recruitment, Retention, Faculty Senate Climate Surveys Elizabeth Goodnick Lin Huang Carmen Sanjurjo Barbara."— Presentation transcript:

1 Senate Diversity Committee 2015-16 Mission: Recruitment, Retention, Faculty Senate Climate Surveys Elizabeth Goodnick Lin Huang Carmen Sanjurjo Barbara EchoHawk Elizabeth Frederick Travis Heath Francisco Barbosa Madison Holloway Amy Kern Wilton Flemon, Chair Committee Members

2 Introduction and Overview Wilton In order to attract racially & ethnically diverse candidates: – Recommend the establishment of the Faculty Senate Diversity Committee Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow at MSUD – Continue Visitation with institutions with relatively high racial ethnic minority graduate student body – Continuation of the Faculty Senate Climate Survey Program – Incorporating new language into job announcements that

3 Committee Shall Inform and make recommendations …concerning questions, issues, policies, and practices related to the recruitment, hiring, retention, promotion, numbers, ratios, and diversity of the faculty….accessing the climate of the faculty Our Focus: – Encourage Participation in the 2015-16 Faculty Senate Climate Surveys, – Review Faculty Hiring Data From 2003-2016, – Visitation to Universities and Colleges, – Faculty Senate Diversity Committee (FSDC) Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow at MSUD – Data Presentation charts 4-7 Below: Travis





8 Faculty Senate Diversity Committee (FSDC) Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow at Metropolitan State University of Denver Presenters- Elizabeth and Francisco 1.Purpose: To identify and recruit outstanding racial/ethnic minority candidates for a 2 year full time Category II position at MSU Denver. 2.Rationale: It has been clearly demonstrated that institutions of higher education that are successful in attracting and retaining minority students have provided these students with as many support services as possible to help them adjust to an institution which they, as a group, have not traditionally attended. In particular, attracting and retaining minority students is dependent on the number of minority faculty that these students can utilize as part of their overall support system. Minority students can identify more easily with minority faculty members who they perceive as being more like them and who they believe have experienced the same challenges they face in trying to earn an undergraduate degree. Thus, it is important for our institution to attract and retain minority faculty members who might serve as part of a support system for minority students. The Program is one avenue (among many) to do just that. 3.Funding: Funding for this initiative will originate from the Provost's Office. This strategy will eliminate the issues raised by departments committing a tenure-track line to recruit faculty without knowing their potential to serve our student population. The Provost will fund 2-3 positions (with a salary in the mid-$50K + full Benefits) as is possible given current budget restraints. The Provost will also fund campus visits for interviews, if requested by the relevant departments. 4.Recruitment Mechanism: Deans and chairs will identify 2-3 departments that, based on departmental needs, can and will voluntarily participate in the program. FSDC and the relevant department will define the candidate pool for each position. Departments will then select their top candidate from the identified pool by their standard procedure for selecting Cat II Faculty. If the department does not select any of the candidates from the identified pool, they can withdraw from the program, at which time the position will be offered to another department. Once the FSDC and the department concur on the leading candidate, the candidate will be presented to the dean. a.This position falls under Category II Faculty (8) Other: “Special cases where duties, compensation, and title are mutually determined by contract. Should be rare, determined by departmental needs, and negotiated by Chair and Dean.” (Handbook p. 45). 5.Outcomes: Ideally, this program will lead to the hiring and retention of racial/ethnic minority faculty in a way that has not been possible through existing initiatives. 5.Motion: The Faculty Senate Diversity Committee moves that the Faculty Senate vote to show support of the Faculty Senate Diversity Committee Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow Program at Metropolitan State University of Denver - Presenter Madison

9 Questions? The Diversity Committee thanks you for your time


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