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WW2 in the Pacific Unit 4 Lesson 6 Big Idea: Fierce fighting & heavy casualties characterized the war in the Pacific, driving Truman to unleash a new nuclear.

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Presentation on theme: "WW2 in the Pacific Unit 4 Lesson 6 Big Idea: Fierce fighting & heavy casualties characterized the war in the Pacific, driving Truman to unleash a new nuclear."— Presentation transcript:

1 WW2 in the Pacific Unit 4 Lesson 6 Big Idea: Fierce fighting & heavy casualties characterized the war in the Pacific, driving Truman to unleash a new nuclear weapon.

2 Objectives Review key victories in Europe leading to VE Day. Evaluate US strategy for victory in the Pacific and identify key turning points. Analyze Truman’s decision to drop the Atomic Bomb.

3 Warm Up Explain how the Allies closed in on Hitler.

4 Japanese Aggression Map Activity Review!

5 Japanese Aggression 1930’s Tojo increases military power Imperial growth Increased war imports (trucks, aircraft, oil, technology) Tojo begs to keep peace with US Says yes, orders secret attack

6 Dec 7, 1941 Click Photo!

7 “A date which will live in infamy” Intercepted & decoded diplomatic message; attack coming, but didn’t know where. Select Pearl Harbor on Oahu, home to US Pacific Fleet – cripple & take Asia before we rebuild. Dec 6, 1941, Japanese cut off negotiations, FDR sends warning to Pacific commanders. Dec 7 th, 7:55 – 9:45 AM 20 ships (8 of 9 battleships), 200+ warplanes 2400 dead, 1200 wounded

8 Declaration of War Dec 8 th GRM and ITL declare war on US 3 days later.

9 Consequences Pearl Harbor?

10 Holding Off The Enemy- Bataan Jan-Apr 1942 70K American POW’s forced on “Death Marches”

11 Holding Off The Enemy- Coral Sea May 1942 USS Lexington Flight Deck- Carriers save Australia from invasion.

12 Holding Off The Enemy- Midway June 1942 Adm Chester Nimitz surprises Japanese navy, “avenge” P.H. er/view/assetGuid/BC922622-57B0- 49C7-8A8C-1402AF991964 view/assetGuid/07AB0FD7-DE6F-4F2A- 865C-BB4967D735AA

13 Island Hopping MacArthur’s strategy to leapfrog thru islands- skip strongholds, isolate/cut off others- to close in on mainland. Begins Aug 1942.

14 Navajo Code Talkers Click image!

15 Defeating The Enemy- Guadalcanal Aug 1942

16 Defeating The Enemy-Leyte Gulf Oct 1944 MacArthur retakes the Philippines; JPN intro kamikaze tacticskamikaze

17 Defeating The Enemy- Iwo Jima Feb-Mar 1945 Costly Battle: 6K US dead 20K JPN dead

18 Raising the Flag

19 Death of a President

20 Defeating The Enemy- Okinawa Apr-June 1945 “Iwo Jima and Okinawa” nawa

21 Closure How did the US policy of Island hoping prove effective in the Pacific?

22 Homework Reading (Truman’s options) Which option do you agree with and why? Provide 3 reasons

23 Warm Up: What military events led up to the US decision of what to do with mainland Japan?

24 Manhattan Project-FDR 1939 Einstein Letter 12/6/1941 FDR funds secret R&D facilities in NM, TN, WA. 7/16/45 Trinity Test in Alamagordo, NM

25 Manhattan Project- Truman Hand out Timeline & show video (- 1 st 14min)video

26 Military Advice Sec of War Henry Stimson End it, save lives Power over Soviets Col Leslie Groves Project Director Drop ($ and manpower) Admiral Ernest J King Naval blockade Gen Hap Arnold Air raids, firebombings Ambassador Joseph Grew Negotiate, Hirohito stay

27 Think-Pair-Share What would happen if we were to invade the main island of Japan?

28 Scientific Advice Dr. Leo Szilard, 70 others Will start arms race w/USSR Immoral to drop w/o warning Demonstration? J. Robert Oppenheimer Scientific Director- Test may fail? Shoot down plane? Set up POWs?

29 To Drop or Not to Drop… Options: Blockade/Air Raids, Invade Mainland, Demo, Wait for RUS, Negotiate Peace, Keep Emperor TPS: How did Iwo Jima and Okinawa impact Truman’s decision to drop the bomb?

30 Activity: To drop or not to drop… Based on your reading from last night and your response you will be directed to stand in a certain corner of the room. There you will discuss with your group why you choose that option and each group will defend their selection

31 “The final decision was up to me” July 25- Prepare 2 bombs July 26- Letter to Japan “Surrender at once or face destruction”

32 August 6, 1945 Enola Gay Little Boy Hiroshima


34 August 9, 1945 Fat Man Nagasaki

35 VideoVideo (36- 40:35)

36 Effects of the Atomic Bomb Video of effects ?Ntt=atomic+bomb ?Ntt=atomic+bomb

37 VJ Day

38 America Celebrates End of War

39 Closure Has your opinion of how the war was ended changed at all throughout the lesson? Why or why not?

40 Homework Wiki Post- Should Truman have dropped the atomic bomb? Why or why not? Provide Evidence.

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