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Geog. 377: Introduction to GIS - Lecture 10 Overheads 1 1. 1.Methods of Data Input Topics Lecture 11: GIS Database Creation and Maintenance (I) Readings.

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Presentation on theme: "Geog. 377: Introduction to GIS - Lecture 10 Overheads 1 1. 1.Methods of Data Input Topics Lecture 11: GIS Database Creation and Maintenance (I) Readings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geog. 377: Introduction to GIS - Lecture 10 Overheads 1 1. 1.Methods of Data Input Topics Lecture 11: GIS Database Creation and Maintenance (I) Readings on the topics Chapter 9 in the text Chapter 4 in Bonham-Carter’s, 1994, pp. 83-86, 95-102 Chapter 4 in Burrough and McDonnell’s 1998, pp. 75-97 Other readings

2 Geog. 377: Introduction to GIS - Lecture 10 Overheads 2 1. Methods of Data Input: 1.1 Forms of Geographic Data: 1) Analogue form: 2) Digital form: 3) Human heuristic form: 1.2 Capturing analogue data: 1.2.1 Spatial data: Manual entry (Coordinate Geometry) Bearing and distance Digitizing (manual or automated) (Figure)Figure a) locate and mark the control points b) prepare the map (tracing and labeling) c) digitize d) clean (edit) Outlines

3 Geog. 377: Introduction to GIS - Lecture 10 Overheads 3 1.2 Capturing analogue data: (continued…) 1.2.1 Spatial data: (continued…) Raster Scanning and Vectorizing (Figure)Figure a) locate control points b) prepare the map c) scan the map d) clean e) vectorize if in vector, line thinning (Figure)Figure Heads-up Digitizing digitize off the scanned image on screen Analytical stereo plotter create a 3d model and digitize off that model (elevation data mostly)

4 Geog. 377: Introduction to GIS - Lecture 10 Overheads 4 1.2 Capturing analogue data: (continued…) 1.2.2 Aspatial (attribute) data: - into a relational table 1) define (create) the table if it does not already exist Structure of a table: Number of fields (items) Information on each field (name, type, width, etc) Make sure that you have a common field 2) Add records into the table a) Manually b) Automatically (scan and convert) 3) Attach the table to spatial data through a common field

5 Geog. 377: Introduction to GIS - Lecture 10 Overheads 5 1.3 Converting digital data 1.3.1 Capture in digital form at once (1) Remote sensing (Figure)Figure (2) GPS (Figure)Figure (3) Video digitizing 1.3.2 Generate from other data layers (Spatial analysis of other data layers) 1.3.3 Obtain existing digital data (1) CIA’s World Data Bank (WDBII) (1997) (1:4,000,000 to 1:1,000,000) (coastlines, international boundaries, lakes, rivers, major roads) (2) NGA ( (National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency) Digital Chart of the world (DCW) (1:1,000,000) (1991) 17 thematic layers

6 Geog. 377: Introduction to GIS - Lecture 10 Overheads 6 1.3 Converting digital data (continued…) 1.3.3 Obtain existing digital data (continued …) (3) USGS ( (Data on physical landscape) National Elevation Dataset ( DLG for hydrography and other data (1:24,000) (4) US Census Bureau ( (Data on social-economics) TIGER files (1:100,000 or finer, street networks) (5) US NRCS soil databases ( Natioanl Soil Geographic Database (NATSGO, 1:5M) State Soil Geographic Database (STATSGO, 1:250,000) Soil Survey Geographic Database (SSURGO, 1:20,000) (6) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services ( Wetland Inventory Program (1:24,000, DLG) (7) County Land Information Offices (digital orthophotos) (8) Private companies (remote sensing, customized datasets)

7 Geog. 377: Introduction to GIS - Lecture 10 Overheads 7 1.4 Converting human heuristics 1.4.1 Extracting knowledge from human experts (The Knowledge on Basco example)The Knowledge on Basco example 1.4.2 Representation of this knowledge In the form of rules: (The Knowledge as Rules Example)The Knowledge as Rules Example 1.4.3 Implementation of this knowledge Boolean vs. fuzzy

8 Geog. 377: Introduction to GIS - Lecture 10 Overheads 8 Questions: 1. What are the different methods in converting analogue data into their digital form? Compare and contrast digitizing with raster scanning? 2. What are the major agencies in U.S. for producing spatial data and what does each specialize in? 3. Why is human expertise in the application domain considered data?

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