Freshmen Studies. A Memory Game 1. d-h-r-c-w-j-v.

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Presentation on theme: "Freshmen Studies. A Memory Game 1. d-h-r-c-w-j-v."— Presentation transcript:

1 Freshmen Studies

2 A Memory Game 1. d-h-r-c-w-j-v

3 A Memory Game 2. r-l-s-v-q-i-x-a-g

4 A Memory Game 3. f-m-z-u-g-q-k-s-a-p-n-r-l

5 A Memory Game 4. t-k-q-d-y-a-f

6 A Memory Game 5. a-b-c-d-l-m-n-o-v-w-x-y-z

7 A Memory Game 6. g-t-j-x-k-r-d-n-a-q-l-i-c

8 Aaah, Memories… There are two levels of memories: Short-term memory Long-term memory

9 Short-Term Memory Can usually hold 5-9 different items Most people can’t remember 10 or more random items Easy to remember “chunked” digits/letters Phone numbers (###-####) Social Security Number (###-##-####)

10 Long-Term Memory Things you can bring to mind whenever you choose With review, can always be recalled

11 Another Memory Exercise… Read the following list twice: SpruceHeat GasBakery OakElm OfficeFriction DensityTheater FirMaple RestaurantHotel Pharmacy

12 Another Memory Game… How many words could you recall? SpruceHeat GasBakery OakElm OfficeFriction DensityTheater FirMaple RestaurantHotel Pharmacy

13 Try Again… RobinGymOrbit SparrowParkForce HawkRinkConservation EaglePoolPhase CrowFieldElement

14 Ways to Remember Grouping Visualizing Repeating Choosing to remember

15 Grouping To organize info so that details are brought together under one main idea Items that are grouped with similar items are easier to remember. RobinGymOrbit SparrowParkForce HawkRinkConservation EaglePoolPhase CrowFieldElement

16 Grouping Organize ideas/info into groups that make sense to you When trying to recall an item, remembering one will often trigger your memory of the others.

17 Visualizing To see an image or picture in your mind’s eye. A test...

18 Visualizing Works well with “mapping” notes A skill you can practice

19 Repeating Sounds simple…but it’s effective Get into the habit of repeating important info in your head Say it out loud It’s ok to talk to yourself…

20 Choosing to Remember Sounds simple… Involves a choice to pay attention… Must stay “plugged in”…. Make a conscious decision to remember certain items.

21 Tools for the Future… Mnemonic Devices Memory/learning aid, often a poem “Thirty days has September, April, June and November” Acronyms A word made by taking the first letter of each word that you want to remember and making a new word H.O.M.E.S. or Roy G. Biv Acrostics A sentence made by taking the first letter of each word you want to remember and inserting another word beginning with the same letter King Phillip cried “Oh for Goodness Sake” Please excuse my dear Aunt Sally

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