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Which goddess aids Odysseus? Category 1: $100: A 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 More.

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Presentation on theme: "Which goddess aids Odysseus? Category 1: $100: A 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 More."— Presentation transcript:


2 Which goddess aids Odysseus? Category 1: $100: A 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 More Epithets It’s Greek to Me Take your chances. They call me the wanderer Who’s your daddy?

3 It’s “wine dark.”

4 the sea

5 He’s “the guide and giant killer.”

6 Hermes

7 She’s the “white-armed princess.”

8 Nausicaa

9 He’s “the noble charioteer.”

10 Nestor

11 He’s the “man of craft.”

12 Odysseus

13 It’s the Greek word for hospitality.

14 xenia

15 The English word for “a helper or guide” is derived from this proper noun.

16 Mentor

17 A bard typically invoked one or more of these figures before beginning his tale.

18 the muses

19 It’s the skill that both Penelope and Circe possess.

20 weaving

21 They are the three figures fated to eternal suffering in Hades, each of whom offended the gods in some way.

22 Sisyphus Tantalus Tityus

23 She has six heads.

24 Scylla

25 His fleet was turned to stone.

26 Alcinous

27 These are the three “tests” that Odysseus must pass to prove his true identity.

28 bow scar bed

29 This is the word that Penelope can’t bear to utter.

30 Troy

31 The Old Man of the Sea who never lies, he can change shape at will.

32 Proteus

33 Odysseus’ encounters with this group delay his wanderings and emphasize the importance of memory.

34 Lotus Eaters

35 While my master wandered, I waited patiently for his return. Loyal to the end, I died upon seeing him.

36 Argos

37 This is what Odysseus the wanderer must do in order for shades to speak the truth.

38 offer them blood

39 Here Odysseus’ wanderings are delayed for one year as he and his crew enjoy the company of Circe.

40 Aeaea

41 These are instances in which Athena transforms Odysseus’ appearance.

42 meeting with Nausicaa first reunion with Eumaus fight with Irus fight with the suitors reunion with Penelope

43 His is Laertes.

44 Odysseus

45 His pops is Menelaus.

46 Pisistratus

47 He and his brother Menelaus call Atreus dad.

48 Agamemnon

49 Though loyal himself, Dolius has two rotten kids: Melantho and this disloyal herdsman.

50 Melanthius

51 My son is the jerk Antinous.

52 Eupithes

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