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What Is Plot? Conflict Complications Climax Resolution Subplots Parallel Episodes Practice Plot: A Chain of Events Feature Menu.

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Presentation on theme: "What Is Plot? Conflict Complications Climax Resolution Subplots Parallel Episodes Practice Plot: A Chain of Events Feature Menu."— Presentation transcript:

1 What Is Plot? Conflict Complications Climax Resolution Subplots Parallel Episodes Practice Plot: A Chain of Events Feature Menu

2 A story needs more than interesting characters to make you want to read it. What Is Plot? Something about the story has to make you wonder what will happen next. Jen athletic, wants to win every time, thinks Rick is sweet but lazy Rick just wants people to like him—especially Jen

3 Plot is the chain of related events that drives a reader’s interest in a story. What Is Plot? EVENT 1 What do you think happens next? EVENT 2 Jen challenges Rick to a bike race. Bet I can ride Diamondback Trail faster than you can! Bet you can’t! Jen and Rick meet on the trail.

4 How are the two events linked together? What Is Plot? EVENT 1EVENT 2 Jen and Rick meet on the trail. Jen challenges Rick to a bike race. One of these events causes the other. Jen and Rick meet on Diamondback Trail because Jen challenged Rick to a race. The two events form a chain. cause/effect

5 The event that begins the chain introduces a problem, or conflict. Conflict EVENT 1 Jen challenges Rick to a bike race. Jen’s challenge presents a problem to Rick: try to impress Jen by accepting her challenge avoid defeat by choosing not to race OR

6 Conflict A story’s conflict can be a struggle with another character, a force of nature, such as gravity or a strong headwind, or a character’s own feelings. [End of Section]

7 What if we add a third event to the chain? Complications EVENT 1EVENT 2 Jen and Rick meet on the trail. Jen challenges Rick to a bike race. Event 3 has made the plot chain longer, but it has also made the plot more complicated. EVENT 3 Rick’s bike chain slips off. The outcome of the race is no longer a matter of who can bike faster—Jen or Rick.

8 Complications EVENT 3 Rick’s chain slips off. If Jen rides off and leaves Rick stranded, she may win the race but lose Rick’s friendship. Event 3 is called a complication because it makes the plot’s conflict more difficult to resolve. If Rick can’t repair his chain quickly, he will lose the race.

9 Complications A plot without complications might look like this. This kind of race happens every day, but it doesn’t necessarily make a good story. Where’s the suspense?! EVENT 1 Jen challenges Rick to a bike race. EVENT 2 Jen and Rick race. EVENT 3 Jen (or Rick) wins the race.

10 Complications EVENT 1EVENT 2 Jen and Rick race. Jen challenges Rick to a bike race. EVENT 3 ? ? ? What other complications might Rick or Jen face? What would make the story interesting, exciting or suspenseful? [End of Section]

11 A story’s climax is the point at which the outcome of the conflict is decided—often in a surprising way. Climax Rick’s chain is off his bike. Jen is circling back to check on Rick. Suddenly, Rick remembers what he learned from his Uncle Eduardo: 1. how to replace a slipped chain 2. how to impress a girl

12 A story’s climax is the point at which the outcome of the conflict is decided—often in a surprising way. Climax “Enrique,” said Uncle Eduardo, “never try to be the man you are not. Be the man you are.” Rick had rolled his eyes at the time. His uncle was always saying things like that. But now...

13 Where does a story’s climax fit into the plot chain? Climax It overcomes the obstacles presented by complications [End of Section] and makes the ending possible.

14 The resolution is the end of the story. It tells how the conflict turned out. Resolution How was the conflict in this story resolved? Neither Jen nor Rick won the race, but... they took many more bike rides together. [End of Section]

15 Subplots In addition to the main plot, some stories have subplots. A subplot is a plot that is part of the larger story but is not as important. Main plot Rick tries to impress Jen by agreeing to a bike race. Sub plot Rick discounts his uncle’s advice— then finds that he really can use it.

16 Some plots contain parallel episodes: repeated events in a story. Parallel Episodes [End of Section] Episode 1 Rick’s chain slips off. Rick replaces the chain, and the race continues. Episode 2 Rick’s front tire goes flat. Rick patches the tire, and the race continues. Episode 3 Jen’s brake cable snaps. Rick invites Jen to his uncle’s bike-repair shop.

17 The End Plot: A Chain of Events

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