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Workshop decisions Helge Meinhard / CERN-EP Atlas software workshop 08 May 1998.

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1 Workshop decisions Helge Meinhard / CERN-EP Atlas software workshop 08 May 1998

2 DIG 04/05/98 Reviews: SRT waiting for updated documentation; Astra design, muon code, graphics code: review process being started Access to DIG minutes will be made easier Discussion about units launched. Implications wrt G4 to be understood. Aim for decision at next workshop Tools: CodeCheck received, will be integrated) in SRT (‘make CodeCheck’); StP 2.4 for HP still pending; Logiscope, Insure++ available

3 Repository policy and structure Distinction between official (ASP compliant or aiming at it) and external software, category of contributed software can be added later Access restrictions will be put in place Creation of top-level packages needs DIG approval, subpackages the one of the respective package coordinator (DIG advises on request) One responsible per package

4 Repository (cont’d) Package responsible can grant commit access to (few) more developers Periodic reviews of repository by DIG Logging of changes: ChangeLog file at package level Subpackages should contain the (abbreviated) superpackage name as prefix (unique naming)

5 Repository (cont’d) Directory structure: $CVSROOT/srt /offline/p1/p11 /p2 /external/... [/contrib] ? Public.h files in subdirectory with package name (eg. arve/arve/Arve.h) MS Studio files not compulsory

6 Round of domains B field: Map implemented in Objy ID: Pixel clustering being rewritten in C++ Simulation: Setting G4 up for cal. test beam as prototype, similar projects for Datcha and TRT test beam. May want to use Arve. Geometry data base to be clarified Event: optimised access to ID digis, working on muons, then calo. Aim to have events in Objy by August workshop

7 Round of domains (cont’d) Graphics: Can read ID events. New version of Atlantis soon. Wired being changed to use XML. Reconstruction: xKalman++ well advanced, will treat non-constant B next. iPatRec being polished to make full use of SRT, design documents of iPatRec being prepared. MC with non-constant B required. Track class exists.

8 Workshop decisions Fortran MC consolidation continues with limited scope Finish migration to cvs asap Finalise ‘April 98’ Arve release Start collecting criteria for 1 TB milestone of end 1998 Start collecting requirements for outside users of Windows NT Operating systems: Linux, NT, >= 1 commercial Unix (not necessarily HP-UX)

9 Workshop decisions (cont’d) ASP: Make user-friendly, shorten, rephrase, cautiously update; try rules for external software with CLHEP; keep C++ rules unchanged Naming conventions: proposal adopted (note TRT_Layer), units to be decided next time Next workshop: Ann Arbor, 25 - 29 August 1998 Coding rules for Java to be drafted (but main implementation language remains C++!)

10 Workshop decisions (cont’d) DIG to look at Track class Java package name prefix: XML adopted by graphics domain for exchange of ASCII like files; need to study this more widely Go ahead with testing team Atlas appreciating RD55 PAP, recommendation to EB to approve

11 Informative topics Status of Fortran software, 98_2 release SDE working group, role of IPT group Arve demonstration LHC++ status: Linux on the road Magnetic field LHCC computing workshop Barcelona

12 Next cycle(s) Domain descriptions Criteria for 1TB milestone Events into Objectivity Arve release ASP editorial work Web spring cleanup B field implementation Detailed schedule, milestones Geant4 for testbeams MC production Geometry database Physics analysis strategy, Atlfast++ and LHC++ More people doing OO Work on units decision Port software to Linux MC consolidation Migration to cvs, SRT consolidation Requirements for NT Sort out CLHEP problems Tile TB data into Objy

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