GA Voting Session Explained. Who Can Vote Voting members include: All nationally recognised projects All branches Priority campaigns Non-priority campaigns.

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Presentation on theme: "GA Voting Session Explained. Who Can Vote Voting members include: All nationally recognised projects All branches Priority campaigns Non-priority campaigns."— Presentation transcript:

1 GA Voting Session Explained

2 Who Can Vote Voting members include: All nationally recognised projects All branches Priority campaigns Non-priority campaigns share a vote Providing they have all submitted an activity report prior to the SGA & all branches have paid their BAFs

3 The Voting Bit... In favour  (support)‏ Against  (do not support)‏ Abstain  (do not wish to vote or do not have strong view)‏ Unfortunately it’s not that simple...

4 Components of a motion ALL MOTIONS MUST HAVE A PROPOSER AND A SECONDER If at any point there is one of these missing, the motion dies, unless a replacement is found The proposer can briefly present their motion to the plenary If you support a motion, you may second it.

5 What if I disagree with it? If you don’t support the motion in its current form, you are allowed to propose amendments. Amendments are slight changes to the wording or additions, they do NOT change the main meaning of the motion You may explain your amendment BRIEFLY

6 Amendments If there are amendments… -Proposer needs to accept -Seconder needs to accept

7 3 things could happen here: 1st possibility: Proposer does not accept The amendment is voted on….you can vote: – For – Against – Abstain If for > against, the amendment is added If against > for, the amendment is not added

8 3 possibilities 2 nd possibility: Proposer accepts, seconder does not accept Need to find new seconder If found, amendment is added If not, motion dies 3 rd possibility: Both proposer & seconder accept  amendment is added 3 things could happen here:

9 So we’ve either got an amendment or not... I still disagree with it! Chair asks for “direct negatives” What is a direct negative? If you DO NOT support the motion If you wish to see a formal vote rather than the motion simply passing

10 No Direct Negative This slide is easy! No direct negative = motion passes NEMO CONTRA

11 Direct negative: yes If you do not agree with the motion this is your last chance to make it known. Raise your voting card (a la voting procedures) and state that you have a direct negative.

12 So you have a direct negative A direct negative may be accompanied by an alternative motion which means that you propose a motion with a DIFFERENT meaning You have the chance to explain why you have a direct negative and explain your alternative motion if you have one Then what?

13 If there is no alternative motion Vote on original If you don’t want it – vote against If you do want it – vote for If you don’t wish to vote - abstain

14 If you do have an alternative motion The alternative motion is introduced and a SHORT discussion can be had Find a seconder for the alternative motion Vote between original and alternative motions If you support the original – vote for the original If you support the new motion – vote for the alternative If you don’t like either motion – vote against If you don’t wish to vote - abstain

15 Point of Order If something is wrong with the procedure, raise your card and state Point of Order, wait for the chair to acknowledge you, and then state your point briefly Do not use this to express personal opinion

16 Point of Information If you have more information about the issue being discussed, raise your card and state, Point of Information. You can also use this to ask a question to the current speaker or the meeting Wait for the chair, and then give us the lowdown.

17 Let’s give it a go!

18 Motion 20 That this General Assembly mandates the Medsin National Committee to provide chocolate biscuits such as Jaffa cakes at every national Medsin event. Proposed by: Medsin Imperial Seconded by: ? Rationale: Medsin members get very hungry during the long voting sessions & have a fondness for sweet foods

19 Any Amendments?

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