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Switch Selection Structure (L14) * General Form of the switch Statement * Details of switch Statement * Flowchart of switch Statement * cin.get * Character.

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Presentation on theme: "Switch Selection Structure (L14) * General Form of the switch Statement * Details of switch Statement * Flowchart of switch Statement * cin.get * Character."— Presentation transcript:

1 switch Selection Structure (L14) * General Form of the switch Statement * Details of switch Statement * Flowchart of switch Statement * cin.get * Character : Char or Integer ? * EOF * Case Study * Exercise/Home Work Dr. Ming Zhang

2 General Form of a switch Statement switch (expression) { case value_1: // terminated with a colon statement_1;...... break; // exit from switch; optional case value_2: statement_m;...... break;...... default: // last else; optional statement_aa;......} Dr. Ming Zhang

3 Details of switch Statement (1) * switch The keyword switch identifies the start of the switch. * expression -The expression in parentheses is evaluated and the result of the expression compared to various alternative values contained within the compound statement. -The expression must evaluate to an integer result or a compilation error results. Dr. Ming Zhang

4 Details of switch Statement (2) * case -The keyword case is used to identify or label individual values that are compared to the value of the switch expression. -The switch expression’s value is compared to each of these case value in order in which these values are listed until a match is found. -When the mach occurs, execution begins with the statement immediately following the match. Dr. Ming Zhang

5 Details of switch Statement (3) * default -If the value of the expression does not match any case values, however, no statement is executed unless the keyword default is encountered. - The word default is option and operates the same as the last else in an if-else chain. -If the value of the expression does not match any of the case values, program execution begins with the statement following the word default. Dr. Ming Zhang

6 Details of switch Statement (4) * break -Once an entry point has been located by the switch statement, all further case evaluations are ignored and execution continues through the end of the compound statement unless a break statement is encountered. - This is the reason for the break statement, which identifies the end of a particular case and causes an immediate exit from the switch statement. - If the break statements are omitted, all cases following the matching case value, including the default case, are executed. Dr. Ming Zhang

7 Flowchart of switch Statement case a case a action(s) break case b case b action(s) break....... case z case z action(s) break default action(s) Dr. Ming Zhang

8 Example of switch Statement.................. int num1 = 10, num2 = 10; cin >> opselect ; switch (opselect) { case 1: cout << “The sum:”<< (num1+num2); break; case 2: cout<<“The product”<<(num1*num2); break; case 3: cout<<“The division”<<(num1/num2); break; }................. Dr. Ming Zhang

9 cin.get * grade = cin.get The cin.get( ) function reads one character from the keyboard and stores that character in integer variable grade. * Details will be introduced in Chapter 6, “Classes”. Dr. Ming Zhang

10 Char or Integer * char or integer Characters normally are stored in variables of type char; however, an important feature of C++ is that characters can be stored in any integer data type because they are represented as 1-byte integers in the computer. * cout (‘a’); output: a has the value 97 * ‘a’: integer value of “a”. Dr. Ming Zhang

11 Assignment Statements * Example of Assignment Statements a=4; b=2; a = b = c = 0; a=4 or 0 ??????? b=2 or 0 ??????? * The assignment operator associated from right to left. The variable b is then assigned the value of the assignment c = 0 (which is also 0). Same reason, a = 0. Dr. Ming Zhang

12 EOF * EOF (end-of-file) EOF is the symbol whose acronym stands for end-of-file. * EOF normal has the value -1. However, we do not type the value -1 nor do we type the letters EOF. Rather, you type a system- dependent keystroke combination to mean “end-of-file”. * UNIX: -> EOF MS-DOS: -> EOF Dr. Ming Zhang

13 Case Study - Figure 2.22 (D & D)...... while ( ( grade = cin.get( ) ) != EOF) { switch (grade) { case ‘A’: case ‘a’: ++aCount; break;....... } Dr. Ming Zhang

14 Question 1 - Exercise/Home Work Rewrite the following if-else chain using a switch statement: if (res_type == 1) data( ); else if (res_type == 2) capacity( ); else if (res_type == 3) volume( ); else if (res_type == 4) area( ); else if (res_type == 5) files( ); else retrieve( ); Dr. Ming Zhang

15 Question 2 - Exercise/Home Work Write a program to use a switch statement to select the arithmetic operation (addition, multiplication, or division) to be performed on two numbers depending on the value of the variable opselect. A menu for your operation message should be created. Dr. Ming Zhang

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