Unit 4-Week 4 Day 1 Theme Question: Why do people study space? Focus Questions: Week 1: What patterns and cycles do we find in space? Week 2: How did people.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 4-Week 4 Day 1 Theme Question: Why do people study space? Focus Questions: Week 1: What patterns and cycles do we find in space? Week 2: How did people."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 4-Week 4 Day 1 Theme Question: Why do people study space? Focus Questions: Week 1: What patterns and cycles do we find in space? Week 2: How did people of the past explain objects in the night sky? Week 3: How do people view space today? Week 4: How night space be a part of our future?

2 Theme Vocabulary Think of sentences using two of the following words: revolve reflect rotate gravity telescope marvel formation magnificent lunar

3 Reading Skim and Scan  Pp. 198-247 Purpose  Find text evidence to answer the Focus Question: What patterns and cycles do we find in space?

4 What patterns and cycles do we find in space? Pp. 198-247 Page #Text Evidence

5 Spelling Changing Final y to i -iest-ied-ier-ies

6 Unit 4-Week 4 Day 2 Theme Question: Why do people study space? Focus Questions: Week 1: What patterns and cycles do we find in space? Week 2: How did people of the past explain objects in the night sky? Week 3: How do people view space today? Week 4: How might space be a part of our future?

7 Space

8 Ask and Answer Questions QuestionsAnswers

9 Reading Skim and Scan  Pp. 198-247 Purpose  Find text evidence to answer the Focus Question: How did people in the past explain objects in the sky?

10 How did people in the past explain objects in the sky? Pp. 198-247 Page #Text Evidence

11 Unit 4-Week 4 Day 3 Theme Question: Why do people study space? Focus Questions: Week 1: What patterns and cycles do we find in space? Week 2: How did people of the past explain objects in the night sky? Week 3: How do people view space today? Week 4: How might space be a part of our future?

12 Theme Vocabulary  Strategies:  Look for synonyms for unfamiliar words  Understand how analogies are used to make meaning clear.  Classify words according to their characteristics.

13 Identifying Text Structure  Text structure is the way information or ideas are organized by the author.  Identifying text structure can help readers understand the important ideas in their reading.  Description/definition text structure:  This provides information, such as facts, examples, or characteristics about a topic to describe and define it. Look on p. 215 in your Theme Reader for an example.

14 Reading Skim and Scan  Pp. 198-247 Purpose  Note and think about details that help you determine author’s purpose.  Find text evidence to answer the Focus Question: How do people view space today?

15 How do people view space today? Pp. 198-247 Page #Text Evidence

16 Word Study Comparatives and Superlatives Comparatives compare two things using more, less, and –er Superlatives compare three or more things using most, least, and –est Comparative or Superlative? More advanced- More clearly- Most amazing-

17 Unit 4-Week 4 Day 4 Theme Question: Why do people study space? Focus Questions: Week 1: What patterns and cycles do we find in space? Week 2: How did people of the past explain objects in the night sky? Week 3: How do people view space today? Week 4: How night space be a part of our future?

18 Theme Vocabulary  revolve  reflect  rotate  gravity  telescope  lunar  marvel  formation  magnificent Easy Challenging

19 Ask and Answer Questions QuestionsAnswers

20 Reading Skim and Scan  Pp. 198-247 Purpose  Note and think about how text structure helps communicate ideas and information.  Find text evidence to answer the Focus Question: How might space be a part of our future?

21 FQ 4: How Might Space Be a Part of Our Future? Exploring Space and Galileo’s Journal Page # Text Evidence

22 Word Study Comparatives and Superlatives Most brilliant- More stunning- Most amazing- Least interesting- More advanced- Less amazed- ComparativeSuperlative

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