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Staci Kelly Pendry John E. Ford PK-8 Montessori School.

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Presentation on theme: "Staci Kelly Pendry John E. Ford PK-8 Montessori School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Staci Kelly Pendry John E. Ford PK-8 Montessori School

2 ACTIVITY #1 Write your name in the middle of your paper. Do a web with words that define who you are. Your web can look however you want! Share Out How do we define ourselves?

3 Pre-Judgement based on what you think you know (All girls wear pink is a stereotype) What is a Stereo-Type? *Draw me an OPERA singer…be detailed…it is OKAY to be stereotypical for this activity

4 Was your singer… A woman? Wearing a long dress? Mouth wide open? Breaking glass? Wearing horns?





9 VTS – Visual Thinking Strategies What do you see/hear? What makes you think that? Anything else? *very important never to give positive or negative feedback to the comments

10 Opera Listening Exercise #1 *Listen to the music…write what you think is happening at each minute marker… MINUTE 1 MINUTE 2 MINUTE 3 MINUTE 4 MINUTE 5


12 Magic Flute Synopsis for kids

13 Remember, the overall experience is not to make them leave the performance an opera lover, but to leave with a new respect for an art form foreign to most of them. I always tell them, I don’t LOVE all types of music, but I respect the artists and the art forms, despite my personal feelings. We love what we are familiar with. It’s all about PERSPECTIVE.

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