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The FXM Signaling Network PI(3,4,5)P3Ca 2+ IgG2a UTP/UDP C5a Testing Ground.

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Presentation on theme: "The FXM Signaling Network PI(3,4,5)P3Ca 2+ IgG2a UTP/UDP C5a Testing Ground."— Presentation transcript:


2 The FXM Signaling Network PI(3,4,5)P3Ca 2+ IgG2a UTP/UDP C5a Testing Ground

3 Define the system for study  Plan and organize experiments  Reference tool  Template for future modeling ?

4 We asked...  What signaling molecules might be involved?  Are these signaling proteins specifically expressed in RAW 264.7 cells?  What is the presumed role of each signaling molecule in the network?  Which signaling proteins shall be targets of perturbations and other experiments?

5 We asked...  What signaling molecules might be involved?  Are these signaling proteins specifically expressed in RAW 264.7 cells?  What is the presumed role of each signaling molecule in the network?  Which signaling proteins shall be targets of perturbations and other experiments?

6 We asked...  What signaling molecules might be involved?  Are these signaling proteins specifically expressed in RAW 264.7 cells?  What is the presumed role of each signaling molecule in the network?  Which signaling proteins shall be targets of perturbations and other experiments?

7 We asked...  What signaling molecules might be involved?  Are these signaling proteins specifically expressed in RAW 264.7 cells?  What is the presumed role of each signaling molecule in the network?  Which signaling proteins shall be targets of perturbations and other experiments?

8 Initial Goals of FXM Project  Develop a parts list of specific proteins that constitute the FXM network.  Develop a detailed map describing known or suspected reactions occurring within FXM pathways.

9 We built an initial crude network... …to establish a basic framework

10 Initial perturbation targets (test method w/ the obvious) Parts List More comprehensive map Y2H targets

11 FXM Parts List  Started with an inclusive list based on legacy  Considered all possible isoforms

12 Compiled in Excel Worksheets

13 Expression in RAW 264.7 Cells  Expression tracked by Affymetrix arrays and RT-PCR  In some cases, antibody data and/or functional data are available  Goal: trim down list

14 Overview of Parts  247 proteins (including isoforms) considered  204 proteins remain on list following expression analysis  ~40 mRNA confirmed present by RT-PCR  ~27 proteins confirmed present by antibody  ~64 expression is uncertain (i.e., Affy unclear, RT not yet done)

15 Building a detailed network map  Collaboration with Adam Arkin Lab  Development of map using PathwayBuilder software (DARPA BioSPICE)  Tested both the method for creating a signaling map and the suitability of the software

16 Content of a Pathway Signaling Map  NOT a connection map of all possible protein interactions A more defined map:  Assign a role for each signaling molecule (protein and non-protein) within the FXM network  Molecular states and complexes  Create a set of hypotheses to be tested by experimental perturbation  A tool and template for modelers

17 Pathway Description

18 Process-based diagrams Process could be...  Enzymatic Reaction  Regulated Reaction  Binding interaction  Unknown mechanism


20 Nodes  Each node represents a specific state of a molecule or group of molecules  Nodes are unique  Nodes are designated as proteins, non-proteins, or complexes ProteinNon-Protein Complex

21 Sample Pathway

22 Putting it all together GPCR Calcium Fc Receptor PIP3

23 Overview of Map  Contains 273 nodes  Connected by 234 processes (reactions)  Complexes constitute 123 nodes  Some molecules such as Lyn, PIP3, or Ca 2+ might participate in as many as 15 distinct processes.  Not yet finished!

24 Parts List Pathway Map Experiments

25 Credits  Lily Jiang  Madhu Natarajan  Alex Gilman  Adam Arkin  Elliott Ross  Al Gilman  Mike Berridge  Henry Bourne  Rick Brown  Lew Cantley  Mike Gold  Kelly Smith  Jim Stull

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