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Marie Gilbert & Sarah Rodriguez Internet Addiction.

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Presentation on theme: "Marie Gilbert & Sarah Rodriguez Internet Addiction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marie Gilbert & Sarah Rodriguez Internet Addiction

2 What is internet addiction disorder (IAD)? Users of the Internet spend so much time logged on, that their personal and/or professional life suffers.

3 Causes Lost jobs Broken marriages (relationships) Failing school grades Forgetting to eat Loneliness

4 Cybersexual Cyber-relational Net Gaming Information Overload Computer Addiction

5 Using the online services constantly Losing track of time after making a connection Antisocial Lack of sleep and excess fatigue Denying spending too much time on the internet Checking e-mail more than once a day Sneaking online when spouse or family members not at home, with a sense of relief

6 Treatment Quitting “cold turkey” Professional counselors offering chat and telephone counseling at reasonable rates to provide immediate assistance for individuals, partners, and parents in crisis Psychotherapy with an addiction specialist Clinics specializing in treatment of computer/internet addiction


8 Sources services/counseling/internet/netmain.html services/counseling/internet/netmain.html ybersex_addiction.htm

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