Obj: SWBAT find the perimeter/circumference and area of basic and irregular shapes. (G.14a) A REA AND P ERIMETER : P ARALLELOGRAMS, T RIANGLES, T RAPEZOIDS,

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Presentation on theme: "Obj: SWBAT find the perimeter/circumference and area of basic and irregular shapes. (G.14a) A REA AND P ERIMETER : P ARALLELOGRAMS, T RIANGLES, T RAPEZOIDS,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Obj: SWBAT find the perimeter/circumference and area of basic and irregular shapes. (G.14a) A REA AND P ERIMETER : P ARALLELOGRAMS, T RIANGLES, T RAPEZOIDS, R HOMBI AND I RREGULAR F IGURES (1.8/10.1/10.2) WU: Self Evaluation Packet p. 15-18 *hw/hw log/storybook “2D Area” HW (day 61): * You must watch the video’s from Pearsonsuccess.net Regular: worksheet day 63 (ck answers) 3rdNW Test Honors: Worksheet (day 63)/3rdNW test pearsonsuccess.net (due Friday)


3 You will need these notes for lesson day 61 and 62 Remember you can always use your formula sheet!

4 O NLINE ASSIGNMENTS : P EARSONSUCCESS. NET Honors: Your last two online assignments are as as follows (allocating two weeks per Benchmark) These are NOT extra credit: Benchmark 4- due by April 19 th Benchmark 5- due by May 3 rd Regular: You may choose to either or both of the following for extra credit. Both will close on the indicated dates below. Benchmark 4- closes on April 19 th Benchmark 5- closes on May 3 rd






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