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Career Choices By Mario Landeros. Three Career Choices The three career choices I chose that I would be interested in pursuing include Bike mechanic,

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Presentation on theme: "Career Choices By Mario Landeros. Three Career Choices The three career choices I chose that I would be interested in pursuing include Bike mechanic,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Career Choices By Mario Landeros

2 Three Career Choices The three career choices I chose that I would be interested in pursuing include Bike mechanic, Artist and Landscaping/ Grounds Manager.

3 Bike Mechanic I chose Bike Mechanic’s as my first career choice because it matches well with My MBTI results such as take pleasure in making everything orderly and organized, have strong opinions about the way things should be done and make decisions primarily on logic, observation analyses of cause and effect. Also my Strong results showed that I would work well in hands on job environments, creative thinking, and realistic ways.

4 Artist I chose Artist as my second choice as a career I would be interested in pursuing because in my Strong results I scored high in visual expression and creativity in the Artistic category. Also in my MBTI results, it showed that I dislike doing things which don’t make sense to me, I am able to accomplish almost anything if I put my mind to it, I have strong opinions about the way things should be done and prefer to work alone.

5 Landscaping/Grounds Manager I chose Landscaping/Grounds Manager my final possible career choice because in my MBTI results identified skills such as making decisions, logical problem solving, analysis, and planning and organization. Also in my Strong results, it gave me landscaping/grounds manager as my third occupation career choice plus my Strong results showed I would work well in hands on job environments, creative thinking, and realistic ways.


7 Focus Career My focus career would have to be something I am passionate about and good at so that is why I am going to have to stick with the career I am determined and meant to do which would be Bike Mechanics the heart and soul of me.


9 Education Education required to be a Bike Mechanic is at less than a high school diploma, a high school diploma or equivalent and Some college, no degree.

10 College There isn't a college that specifically has a class of Bike Mechanics but you could take an Art/Digital Art or Engineering or even welding to get a better understanding of how a bike is made and more important how it works but this is more aimed for making frames and parts for bikes but all the same useful. If were to go to a college I would take a welding class a Cabrillo and Art/Digital Art and Mechanical Engineering San Jose State.

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