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Animation 101. Bouncing a Ball Arcs Frames.

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Presentation on theme: "Animation 101. Bouncing a Ball Arcs Frames."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animation 101

2 Bouncing a Ball

3 Arcs

4 Frames



7 Spacing


9 Keyframes

10 Inbetween Frames


12 Keyframe 1 Keyframe 2 Interpolated Inbetween Frames

13 Input/Drawn Inbetween Frames

14 Adding Keyframes

15 Animation 101

16 The Most Basic Questions… Animation 001

17 How can the form move?

18 What is moving the form?

19 How can the form move? What is moving the form? Why is the form moving?

20 How can the form move?

21 Degrees of Freedom (DOF)

22 What are all the potential vectors of motion?

23 Degrees of Freedom (DOF) What are all the potential vectors of motion? Translate X

24 Degrees of Freedom (DOF) What are all the potential vectors of motion? Translate X,Y

25 Degrees of Freedom (DOF) What are all the potential vectors of motion? Translate X,Y,Z

26 Degrees of Freedom (DOF) What are all the potential vectors of motion? Translate X,Y,Z Rotate X,Y,Z

27 Degrees of Freedom (DOF) What are all the potential vectors of motion? Translate X,Y,Z Rotate X,Y,Z Scale X,Y,Z

28 Degrees of Freedom (DOF) What are all the potential vectors of motion? Deform (bend)

29 Degrees of Freedom (DOF) What are all the potential vectors of motion? Deform (bend) Morph

30 One of the most common mistakes beginning animators make is to neglect to understand the object’s..…….……….Degrees of Freedom.


32 What is moving the form?


34 Acceleration

35 Hyper-Acceleration

36 A good example of hyper-acceleration is an object tipping over. Release.5 sec 1 sec. 1.5 sec. Brick tipped 2º off- balance then released.

37 What is moving the form? Is the dominant force external?

38 What is moving the form? Is the dominant force external?

39 What is moving the form? Is the dominant force external?

40 What is moving the form? Is the dominant force internal?

41 What is moving the form? Is the dominant force changing?

42 What is moving the form? Is the dominant force oscillating between external and internal?

43 What is moving the form? Is the dominant force oscillating between external and internal?

44 One of the most common mistakes beginning animators make is to neglect to understand the…………………. confluence of forces.

45 Why is the form moving?







52 Unify and flesh out all of the motion into a coherent narrative or structure.

53 How it can move. Unify and flesh out all of the motion into a coherent narrative or structure.

54 How it can move. What is moving it. Unify and flesh out all of the motion into a coherent narrative or structure.

55 How it can move What is moving it Why it is moving Unify and flesh out all of the motion into a coherent narrative or structure.

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