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CS 440 Database Management Systems Query Optimization 1.

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1 CS 440 Database Management Systems Query Optimization 1

2 DBMS Architecture Query Executor Buffer Manager Storage Manager Storage Transaction Manager Logging & Recovery Lock Manager Buffers Lock Tables Main Memory User/Web Forms/Applications/DBA query transaction Query Optimizer Query Rewriter Query Parser Files & Access Methods Past lectures Today’s lecture

3 Many query plans to execute a SQL query 3 S U T R S R T U S R T U Even more plans: multiple algorithms to execute each operation S R T U Sort-merge hash join Table-scan index-scan Table-scan index-scan Compute the join of R(A,B) S(B,C) T(C,D) U(D,E)

4 Query optimization: picking the fastest plan Optimal approach plan – enumerate each possible plan – measure its performance by running it – pick the fastest one – What’s wrong? Rule-based optimization – Use a set of pre-defined rules to generate a fast plan e.g. If there is an index over a table, use it for scan and join. 4

5 Definitions Statistics on table R: – T(R): Number of tuples in R – B(R): Number of blocks in R B(R) = T(R ) / block size – V(R,A): Number of distinct values of attribute A in R 5

6 Review: Clustered index The relation is stored on the disk according to the order of index. 6 10 30 50 70 90 110 10 20 30 40 50 60 DATAINDEX 70 80

7 Plans to select tuples from R:  A=a (R) We have a clustered index on R Plans: – (Clustered) indexed-based scan – Table-scan (sequential access) Statistics on R – B(R)=5000, T(R)=200,000 – V(R,A) = 2, one value appears in 95% of tuples. Clustered indexed scan vs. table-scan ? 7

8 Query optimization methods Rule-based optimizer fails – It uses static rules – The rules do not consider the distribution of the data. Cost-based optimization – predict the cost of each plan – search the plan space to find the fastest one – do it efficiently Optimization itself should be fast! 8

9 Cost-based optimization Plan space – which plans to consider? – it is time consuming to explore all alternatives. Cost estimator – how to estimate the cost of each plan without executing it? – we would like to have accurate estimation Search algorithm – how to search the plan space fast? – we would like to avoid checking inefficient plans 9

10 Space of query plans Selection – algorithms: sequential, index-based – ordering: why does it matter? Join – algorithms: nested loop, sort-merge, hash – ordering Ordering/ Grouping – can an “interesting order” be produced by join/ selection? – algorithms: sorting, hash-based 10

11 Reducing plan space Multiple logical query plan for each SQL query Star(name, birthdate), StarsIn(movie, name, year) SELECT movie FROM Stars, StarsIn WHERE = AND year = 1950 11 Generally Faster StarsIn Star =  year=1950 StarsIn Star = year=1950 movie

12 Reducing plan space Push selection down to reduce # of rows Push projection down to reduce # of columns SELECT movie, name FROM Stars, StarsIn WHERE = 12 StarsIn Star = movei, name StarsIn Star = movie, name Less effective than pushing down selection.

13 13 The algorithm requires exponential computation! System-R style considers only left-deep joins Reducing plan space S R T U S R T U T U S R Left-deep trees allow us to generate all fully pipelined plans – Intermediate results not written to temporary files. – Not all left-deep trees are fully pipelined (e.g., SM join).

14 14 System R-style avoids the plans with Cartesian products – The size of a Cartesian product is generally larger than (natural) joins. Example: R(A,B), S(B,C), U(C,D) (R ⋈ U) ⋈ S has a Cartesian product pick (R ⋈ S) ⋈ U instead If cannot avoid Cartesian products, delay them. Reducing plan space

15 15 Relative accuracy – Goal is to compare plans, not to predict exact cost – More of an art than an exact science Each operator: input size, cost, output size – estimate cost based on input size Example: sort-merge join of R ⋈ S is 3 B(R) + 3 B(S) – estimate output size (for next operator) or selectivity selectivity: ratio of output to input Cost estimation

16 Cost estimation: Selinger Style Input: stats on each table – T(R): Number of tuples in R – B(R): Number of blocks in R B(R) = T(R ) / block size – V(R,A): Number of distinct values of attribute A in R Assumptions on attribute and predicate independence When no estimate available, use magic numbers. New alternative approach – Histogram of database 16

17 17 Selectivity factors: selection Point selection: S =  A=a (R) – T(S) ranges from 0 to T(R) – V(R,A) + 1 – consider its mean: F = 1 / V (R,A) Range selection: S =  A<a (R) – F = (max(A) – a) / (max(A) – min(A)) – not-athematic inequality: use magic number F = 1 / 3 Range selection: S =  b <A<a (R) – F = (a - b) / (max(A) – min(A)) – If not athematic, use magic number F = 1 / 4

18 18 Selectivity factors: selection Range selection: column in (set of values) – F: union of point selections

19 19 Selectivity factors: selection S =  A=1 AND B<10 (R) – multiply 1/V(R,A) for equality and 1/3 for inequality – T(R) = 10,000, V(R,A) = 50 – T(S) = 10000 / (50 * 3) = 66 S =  A=1 OR B<10 (R) – sum of estimates of predicates minus their product – T(R) = 10,000, V(R,A) = 50 – T(S) = 200 + 3333 – 66 = 3467

20 20 Containment of values assumption V(S,A) <= V (R,A): A values in S is a subset of A values in R Let’s assume V (S,A) <= V (R,A) – Each tuple t in S joins x tuple(s) in R – consider its mean: x = T(R) / V (R,A) – T(R ⋈ A S) = T (S) * T(R) / V(R,A) T(R ⋈ A S) = T(R) * T(S) / max(V(R,A), V(S,A)) Selectivity factors: join predicates

21 Search the plan space Baseline: exhaustive search – enumerate all combinations and compare their costs – enormous space! 21 T U S R S R T U S R T U Search method parameters – plan tree development construction: bottom-up, top-down modification: improve a somehow-connected tree – algorithms heuristic selections: make choices based on heuristics hill climbing: find “nearby” plans with lowest cost Dynamic programming: construction by greedy selection

22 Plan search: System-R style A.K.A: Selinger style optimization Bottom-up – start from the ground relation (in FROM) – work up the tree to form a plan – compute the cost of larger plans based on its sub-trees. Dynamic programming – greedily remove sub-trees that are costly (useless) 22

23 23 Step 1: For each {Ri}: – s ize({Ri}) = TCARD(Ri) – plan({Ri}) = Ri – cost({Ri}) = cost of access to Ri e.g. TCARD(Ri) if no index on Ri Step 2: For each {Ri, Rj}: – size({Ri,Rj}) = estimate of the size of join – plan({Ri,Rj}) = join algorithm – cost = cost function of size of Ri and Rj #I/O access of the chosen join algorithm – plan({Ri,Rj}): the join algorithm with smallest cost Dynamic programming

24 24 Step i: For each S ⊆ {R1, …, Rn} of cardinality i do: – Compute size(S) – for every S 1,S 2 s.t. S = S 1  S 2 c = cost(S 1 ) + cost(S 2 ) + cost(S 1 ⋈ S 2 ) – cost(S) = the smallest C – plan(S) = the plan for cost(S) Return Plan({R1, …, Rn}) Dynamic programming

25 25 Let’s assume that the cost of each join is the size of its intermediate results. – to simplify the example – other cost measures, #I/O access, are possible. cost(R) = 0 (no intermediate results) cost(R ⋈ S) = 0 (no intermediate results) cost( (R ⋈ S) ⋈ T) = cost(R ⋈ S) + cost(T) + size( R ⋈ S ) = size(R ⋈ S) Dynamic programming: example

26 26 Relations: R, S, T, U Number of tuples: 2000, 5000, 3000, 1000 We use a toy size estimation method: – size (A ⋈ B) = 0.01 * T(A) * T(B) Dynamic programming: example


28 28 QuerySizeCostPlan RS100k0RS RT60k0RT RU20k0UR ST150k0TS SU50k0US TU30k0UT RST RSU RTU STU RSTU

29 29 QuerySizeCostPlan RS100k0RS RT60k0RT RU20k0UR ST150k0TS SU50k0US TU30k0UT RST3M60kS(RT) RSU1M20kS(UR) RTU0.6M20kT(UR) STU1.5M30kS(UT) RSTU

30 30 QuerySizeCostPlan RS100k0RS RT60k0RT RU20k0UR ST150k0TS SU50k0US TU30k0UT RST3M60kS(RT) RSU1M20kS(UR) RTU0.6M20kT(UR) STU1.5M30kS(UT) RSTU30M110k(US)(RT)

31 Plan search: all operations Base relations access – find all plans for accessing each base relations – push down selections and projections – choose good plans, discard bad ones keep the cheapest plan for unordered and each interesting order Join ordering – use the bottom-up dynamic programming – consider only left-deep join trees: n! ordering for n tables – postpone Cartesian product Finally: grouping/ ordering – use interesting order – addition sorting 31

32 Nested subqueries Subqueries are optimized separately Correlation: order of evaluation – uncorrelated queries nested subqueries do not reference outer subqueries evaluate the most deeply nested subquery first – correlated queries: nested subqueries reference the outer subqueries Select name From employee X Where salary > (Select salary From employee Where employee_num = X.manager) 32

33 Nested subqueries – cont. correlated queries: nested subqueries reference the outer subqueries Select name From employee X Where salary > (Select salary From employee Where employee_num = X.manager) The nested subquery is evaluated once for each tuple in the outer query. If there are small number of distinct values in the outer relation, it is worth sorting the tuples. – reduces the #evaluation of the nested query. 33

34 Summary: optimization Plan space – Huge number of alternatives, semantically equivalent Why important – Difference between good/bad plabs could be order of magnitude Idea goal – map a declarative query to the most efficient plan Conventional wisdom: at least avoid bad plans 34

35 State of the art Academic: always a core database research topic – Optimizing for interactive querying – Optimizing for novel parallel frameworks Industry: most optimizers use System-R style – They started with rule-based. Oracle 7 and its prior versions used rule-based Oracle 7 – 10: rule based and cost based Oracle 10g (2003): cost-based 35

36 36 The importance of query optimization – difference between fast and slow plans Query optimization problem – find the fast plans efficiently. The components of a cost-based (system R style) query optimizer: – plan space definition – cost estimation – search algorithm What you should know

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