How to design a great poster? Lin Mei Chang ( 張琳美 ) Providence University, Taiwan 2009/10/06 Wednesday Poster.

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Presentation on theme: "How to design a great poster? Lin Mei Chang ( 張琳美 ) Providence University, Taiwan 2009/10/06 Wednesday Poster."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to design a great poster? Lin Mei Chang ( 張琳美 ) Providence University, Taiwan 2009/10/06 Wednesday Poster Presentation of Research Work

2 2 Acknowledgement English Department of PU Dr. Chao, Yu-Chuan Joni

3 3 Why do we use a poster? A poster is a visual support for discussion about your work with other scientists and researchers. 3Es for poster presentation Easy, Efficient and Economic.

4 4 How to design an ideal poster? 1. Plan, plan and plan! Plan, plan and plan! 2. Keep the material simple 3. Use colors carefully 4. Do not use more than 2 font types 5. Titles and headings should appear larger than other text, but not too large. Source:

5 5 How to design an ideal poster? 6. Do not use all UPPER CASE type in your posters. 7. Do not use a different font type to highlight important points 8. Equations (Be simple) 9. A picture is worth a thousand words graphs diagrams and drawings Source:

6 6 How to design an ideal poster? 10. Check your spelling 11. Maintain a consistent style 12. Arrangement of poster components should appear smooth 13. Review, review and review Source:

7 7 Poster Topic Main heading Research topic Subheadings School’s name Logo Name of author (1st author, 2 nd author…) E-mail address (1st author, 2 nd author…)

8 8 Content Introduction Aim of research Research Qs Method Results /Findings Discussion Conclusion

9 9 How to present your idea? You may use… Charts Pictures Simple Phrases Words size Colors Interview Follow-up questions Strategy report Strategy survey Pre-testPost-test Video-taping Task performanceL 2 performance

10 10 Poster Requirement Format: A0 (83cm x 119 cm) Background: white Title: Arial bold 96 pt Subtitles: Arial bold 80 pt Text: Arial normal/italic 60 pt

11 11 For example

12 12 Ready to print it out Printing fee in Taiwan: A0: NT$ 500-600/per A4: NT$ 5-10/per (colorful version)

13 13 Supplementaries A4 or B5 mini handouts for your audiences (A black and white or a colorful version) Gifts for whom discuss with you (pens and erasers) Samples of your research (DM or Web ) Using Digital camera or MP4 (3C) to play your data on the poster.

14 14 Procedures Before presentation Put on your poster in the required place before one day or at least two hours ago. Post presentation Take pictures Give your handout to your audiences Answer their questions Collect more ideas After presentation Put everything back

15 15 Tools You may need… Stapler Push pins Tape Scissors

16 16 Useful links: t/posters.htm t/posters.htm pdf e/ e/ m m

17 17 Conclusion A GREAT POSTER IS... clear, simple with only context, objective and main ideas of the presented work.

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