Eating Disorders. Do eating disorders affects only females?

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Presentation on theme: "Eating Disorders. Do eating disorders affects only females?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Eating Disorders

2 Do eating disorders affects only females?

3 Eating Disorders NO Eating disorders affect more females than males, but males do develop eating disorders. Because of this myth males are even less likely to seek treatment.

4 What is an eating disorder It is a mental disorder that reveals itself through abnormal behaviors related to food.

5 Anorexia Nervosa Anorexic’s do not eat enough food to maintain a healthy body weight. Extreme weight loss Slowed heart rate and breathing, dry skin, lower body temperature, growth of fine body hair and loss of premenstrual cycle

6 Health Risks- Anorexia They can starve to death A lack of essential minerals can cause the heart to stop suddenly, leading to death

7 Possible Causes- Anorexia The lack of a chemical substance that regulates mood Low self-esteem A strong desire to please others

8 Treatment- Anorexia Hospital (inpatient) Doctor’s, nurse’s and dietitian’s work together to stop the weight loss Mental health professionals work with the family members to address the underlying emotional problems

9 Bulimia Nervosa Someone who goes on uncontrolled eating binges followed by purging, or removing the food from their bodies A bulimic may purge by vomiting or using laxatives May consume thousands of calories in one sitting

10 Health Risks- Bulimia Most bulimic’s maintain a normal weight Binging and purging can cause the body to bloat up and become puffy Dehydration, kidney damage and a lack of necessary vitamins and minerals Stomach acid in vomit irritates the throat and erodes the enamel on the teeth

11 Possible Causes- Bulimia The lack of a chemical substance that regulates mood Low self-esteem A strong desire to please others Bulimia may begin in connection with a diet, but the person soon becomes unable to stop the cycle of binging and purging

12 Treatment- Bulimia In and outpatient treatment facilities Doctor’s, nurse’s and dietitian’s work together to stop the cycle of binging and purging Mental health professionals work with the family members to address the underlying emotional problems

13 Binge Eating Disorder People with a binge eating disorder regularly have an uncontrollable urge to eat large amounts of food They cannot stop eating even when they are full

14 Binge Eating- Health Risks Excess weight gain and unhealthy dieting Other related illnesses: diabetes and high blood pressure

15 Possible Causes- Binge Eating People use food to avoid dealing with emotions, such as anger, or with stressful situations The binge eating may lead to other emotions, such as guilt or depression

16 Treatment- Binge Eating They need to eat more slowly and deliberately Mental health professionals work with the family members to address the underlying emotional problems

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