One year (and a couple of months) until graduation!

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2 One year (and a couple of months) until graduation!
Class of 2017 One year (and a couple of months) until graduation!

3 Today’s Agenda Review DHS Academic Handbook
Review how GPA works (and rank) – look at transcripts University admissions & top 10% law Community Colleges Discuss the PreAP/AP program Discuss the Dual Credit/Collegiate HS Programs Review HS Graduation Plans/STAAR & Attendance Requirements Today’s Agenda

4 Today’s agenda - continued
Review the Naviance program – , official transcripts Financial Aid Night – Next Monday, January 25, 2016 at 6pm in DHS auditorium SAT/ACT exams – take this semester on a Saturday Course Registration Sheet….(you will then review with parents) Today’s agenda - continued


6 DHS Academic Handbook (online also)
P.7-8 – Alternate Credit Opportunities P – PreAP/AP Program P – Grading & GPA P.18 – UIL Eligibility P – NCAA Eligibility Requirements DHS Academic Handbook (online also)

7 DHS Academic Handbook - continued
P –Graduation Programs (Recommended & Distinguished) P – Course descriptions by department (Table of Contents, p.5) P – Dual Credit course list, Dual Credit Workforce Programs, TSI, NCAA, Helpful websites, college visit tips, Senior Timeline DHS Academic Handbook - continued

8 GPA Grading Scale 3.5 4.0 Grade Point Average GPA=3.83
Semester Grade Pre-AP/ AP Points Regular Grade Points 95-100 90-94 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 85-89 80-84 3.0 2.5 75-79 70-74 2.0 1.5 0-69 Each semester grade is given points. The points are averaged together for the GPA.





13 Class Rank Your rank is where you stand in your class based on GPA.
If you have the highest GPA in your class- then you would be ranked #1 out of the number of students in your class. EX: 1 out of 685 Each student is ranked 1 through 685. Why does it matter???

14 Top 10% Law If you attend a Texas public high school and graduate in the top 10% of your class, you are automatically admitted to any public university in Texas (exception - University of Texas at Austin, top 7%) Public universities in Texas: University of Houston, Sam Houston State University, Stephen F. Austin University, Texas A&M University, Texas State University, and many more!

“I AM NOT IN TOP 10%. CAN I STILL ATTEND A UNIVERSITY AS A FRESHMAN?” Yes! Each university has their own guidelines as to how they accept new students. Always apply to your first choice….and more. Remember: Apply to “4 or more” colleges 1. Dream school 2. Fall-back school 3. Middle of the road school 4. A different middle of the road school

Examples: University of Houston – freshman admissions Sam Houston State University – freshman admissions

17 Choices after HS Straight to work Military
________________________________ Certification or Licensure (6-18 months) Associate Degree (2-3 years) Bachelor Degree (4 years) Master Degree (6 years) Doctorate Degree (8+ years) Choices after HS

18 Community Colleges They usually offer:
Community Colleges They usually offer: * Continuing Education for adult students (non-credit) * Certifications * Licenses * Associate Degrees…that lead toward a Bachelors degree * Honors Programs * Typically lower costs than a university or private school

19 Local Community Colleges College of the Mainland (COM) – in district Alvin Community College San Jacinto College Houston Community College * The colleges many times have multiple campus’ that offer different programs. Find a campus that offers a program that leads to your career choice.

20 Grades this year + STAAR scores determine eligibility for next year.
PreAP or AP next year? Grades this year + STAAR scores determine eligibility for next year. See chart in handbook on P. 12 for requirements Plus Attend 1 mandatory PreAP/AP meeting with parent Expectations Summer assignments completed Sign a commitment to the program Take the AP exam for college credit (3 or above) Make a good/reasonable choice when signing up. You will not be removed until the end of the 1st nine-week grading period if you change your mind Pages 4-7 of handbook

21 Is Dual Credit for you? What is dual credit?
How is it offered here at the HS for seniors? What do I need to do to take dual credit? Is Dual Credit for you?

1. ATTEND INFORMATIONAL MEETING – Feb 22 at DHS 2. Complete college application for COM 3. Take the TSI (college readiness exam) - All 11th graders will be taking exam in spring – unless already taken an received scores needed 4. Submit required documents 5. Submit shot records including meningitis 6. See Mr. Herbert with questions 2016 DUAL CREDIT AND COLLEGIATE HIGH SCHOOL INFORMATION/STEPS


24 Info. Meeting: February 22, 2016 at DHS
Collegiate High School Info. Meeting: February 22, 2016 at DHS Dual credit courses on campus (DHS)

25 Graduation Plans Recommended Distinguished 4 years of English
4 Years of Math 4 Years of Science 4 Years of Social Studies 2 Years of Foreign Language 1 Year Fine Art 1 Year PE .5 Speech + 5.5 Electives = 26 credits 4 years of English 4 Years of Math 4 Years of Science 4 Years of Social Studies 3 Years of Foreign Language 1 Year Fine Art 1 Year PE .5 Speech 4.5 Electives = 26 credits + 4 Advanced Measures See p.18 of your handbook for specifics

26 To graduate from Dickinson High School, you must:
1. Complete all of your credits needed for the Recommended or Distinguished Graduation Plan (26) 2. Pass all of the 5 STAAR EOC exams – English1, English2, Algebra1, Biology, US History 3. Attend school at least 95% of time to receive credit for course

27 Student Skyward login is student computer login.
Skyward Access Student Skyward login is student computer login. Reset password with Ms. Martinez in D-101 What you can see on Skyward: Attendance Transcript Grades GPA/Rank

28 Naviance Family Connections. Research colleges. Research careers
Naviance Family Connections * Research colleges * Research careers * Do career interest survey * Receive s & updates from Mr Herbert (update new address under profile) * Order official transcripts DHS website – Quicklinks Ask Ms. Martinez in D101 if trouble logging in.

29 SAT exam. Required for university admissions and many scholarships
SAT exam * Required for university admissions and many scholarships * Recommended all 11th take in the spring of junior year. Go ahead register now for different dates. * SAT exams are held on Saturdays * Redesigned SAT begins March 2016 * Study by using PSAT results * Collegeboard should have sent to you with instructions for linking to Khan Academy with individualized practice. * SAT will be held at DHS on Saturday, May 7th * More information will be given on February 22nd (Spring Parent University) * Read specific I sent to you through Naviance for more specifics on the SAT…..and ACT.


31 BE PREPARED WHEN I CALL FOR YOU! Alphabetical order- A-Z
I will be calling each of you into my office for a 5-10 minute meeting to choose your courses starting Monday, January 25th . Alphabetical order- A-Z

32 What you need to do before that meeting:
Review your transcript Compare it to your graduation plan Decide on a career path Choose your core courses and electives to reflect your career path Bring your course selection sheet to the counselor when you are called You are responsible for the choices your make!

33 This is your Life! You have choices:
Take advantage of the opportunities offered Tutorials (SMART Lunch, Lighted Windows/Open Doors, Before & After School, etc. 2. Clubs and organizations – Get Involved! EVERYTHING counts in high school- every class, every absence, etc.

34 Helpful information Blue Academic Handbook – also available online (at site below) – Go to Campus, click on Dickinson High School, click on Counseling Center To access your own info: Use your Skyward login to find your GPA, rank, and transcript See Mr. Herbert during SMART lunch

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