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CSC 2720 Building Web Applications File Upload using Apache Commons – FileUpload.

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1 CSC 2720 Building Web Applications File Upload using Apache Commons – FileUpload

2 HTTP File Upload (RFC 1867)RFC 1867  Set attribute METHOD="POST"  Set attribute ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"  Use INPUT element with TYPE="file" to create a file upload control (one control per file) <form action="MyServlet" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">  Currently a "Request for Comments" awaits to be made into an Internet Standard

3 POST register.jsp HTTP/1.1 Host: hi/iq User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.2) Gecko/20021126 Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8, video/x-mng,image/png,image/jpeg,image/gif;q=0.2,text/css,*/*;q=0.1 Accept-Language: en-us, en;q=0.50 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, compress;q=0.9 Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1, utf-8;q=0.66, *;q=0.66 Keep-Alive: 300 Connection: keep-alive Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------29772313742745 Content-Length: 452 -----------------------------29772313742745 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name" J.Doe -----------------------------29772313742745 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="email" -----------------------------29772313742745 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file-upload"; filename="test.txt" Content-Type: text/plain test data with some high ascii: ¿Como estás? -----------------------------29772313742745-- An example of data sent via POST method with enctype="multipart/form-data" (Copied from

4 Decoding Multipart POST Request  Java Servlet API does not provide any high level method to retrieve form data from a Multipart POST Request  request.getParameter(…) don't work on multipart request.  Need to use request.getInputStream() to access the body of a multipart request and decode the data accordingly, or use third party library  e.g., Apache Commons – FileUpload 1.2.x

5 Using FileUpload 1.2.x in NetBeans  Download:  Apache Commons – FileUpload (  Apache Commons – IO (  Unzip the files you download.  In the "Projects" view, right-click the "Libraries" folder of your project and add these JAR files one by one.  commons-fileupload-1.2.x.jar  commons-io-1.4.jar

6 Checking if request is Multipart  If request is not multipart, we can process the request normally (using request.getParameter())  Otherwise we need to use the classes in the FileUpload library to retrieve the parameters and the uploaded file.  We shall not use both approaches at the same time. // import org.apache.commons.fileupload.servlet.*; boolean isMultipart = ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request);

7 Simple Usage Scenerio  Uploaded items should be retained in memory as long as they are reasonably small.   Larger items should be written to a temporary file on disk.  Very large upload requests should not be permitted.  The built-in defaults for the maximum size of an item to be retained in memory, the maximum permitted size of an upload request, and the location of temporary files are acceptable.

8 Simple Usage Scenerio  items is a list of objects that implements the FileItem interface.  Need to import the proper packages. // Create a factory for disk-based file items FileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory(); // Create a new file upload handler ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory); // Parse the request and obtain items in the multipart // request (including parameters) List items = upload.parseRequest(request);

9 Exercising more controls // Create a factory for disk-based file items FileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory(); // Set factory constraints factory.setSizeThreshold(yourMaxMemorySize); factory.setRepository(yourTempDirectory); // Create a new file upload handler ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory); // Set overall request size constraint upload.setSizeMax(yourMaxRequestSize); // Parse the request and obtain items in the multipart // request (including parameters) List items = upload.parseRequest(request);

10 Processing the uploaded items // Process the uploaded items for (Object obj : items) { FileItem item = (FileItem); if (item.isFormField()) { // Process a regular form field String name = item.getFieldName(); String value = item.getString();... } else { // Process uploaded file String fieldName = item.getFieldName(); String fileName = item.getName(); String contentType = item.getContentType(); boolean isInMemory = item.isInMemory(); long sizeInBytes = item.getSize();... }

11 Saving uploaded file to disk if (writeToFile) { // Saving uploaded file to disk File uploadedFile = new File(...); item.write(uploadedFile); } else { // Process the uploaded file as an input stream InputStream uploadedStream = item.getInputStream();... uploadedStream.close(); }

12 Process Multipart Request as Stream (Save Space) // Create a new file upload handler ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(); // Parse the request FileItemIterator iter = upload.getItemIterator(request); while (iter.hasNext()) { FileItemStream item =; String name = item.getFieldName(); InputStream stream = item.openStream(); if (item.isFormField()) { // Regular form field System.out.println("Form field " + name + " with value " + Streams.asString(stream) + " detected."); } else { // An uploaded file System.out.println("File field " + name + " with file name " + item.getName() + " detected."); // Process the input stream... }

13 References 

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