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List 8-Water Cycle. Ocean The entire body of salt water that covers about 71% of Earth.

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1 List 8-Water Cycle

2 Ocean The entire body of salt water that covers about 71% of Earth

3 Salt Water Water found in Oceans (and a few lakes) that contains 3-4% salt.

4 Fresh Water Water found in lakes, rivers, and streams that does not contain salt.

5 Water Cycle/ Hydrological Cycle The changes to water when it evaporates into the air, condenses into clouds, and then precipitates back down to Earth’s surface.

6 Evaporation Physical change in matter from a liquid to a gas

7 Water Vapor Water in the form of an invisible gas.

8 Condensation Physical change in matter from a gas to a liquid

9 Precipitation Rain, snow, sleet, and hail that falls from clouds in the sky

10 Runoff When rainwater travels down mountains and hills

11 Accumulation Where rainwater gathers together on Earth, making puddles, ponds, and lakes

12 Sun Provided the energy that evaporates water on Earth

13 Transpiration Water that evaporates from leaves of plants

14 Groundwater The water beneath the surface of the ground, consisting largely of surface water that has seeped down; source of water in springs and wells

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