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SNS EPICS Config. Database May 2001 Kay-Uwe Kasemir, LANL.

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Presentation on theme: "SNS EPICS Config. Database May 2001 Kay-Uwe Kasemir, LANL."— Presentation transcript:

1 SNS EPICS Config. Database May 2001 Kay-Uwe Kasemir, LANL

2 Approaches to EPICS DB Generation Text Editor, Capfast, xdct  *.DB Device Info + Script  *.DB Template + Substitution Table from RDB  *.DB Template + Device Info from RDB + Script  *.DB Common: Results in DB file

3 Put EPICS *.DB in RDB Experience: Quickly import “signal lists” for e.g. PLCs Tabular view allows rapid data entry RDB helpful for setting e.g. limits of related records at once Debugging: “Where is PV XYZ supposed to be?” RDB provides reports: signal lists, used/unused HW Problem: How to include external sources, e.g. Capfast schematics, and keep track of changes to both external source and RDB?

4 ‘IOC’ Table Perl: Java:

5 ‘Logic’ Table Logic = collection of records, could be Device Algorithm Subsystem IOC Possible: Logic Id=IOC Id

6 Implementation Details Helper Tables Record Types Allowed Fields Menus for fields (SCAN, PINI, alarm severities, …) Each record has “External Source” Original DB file, Capfast schematic Each field has External + Internal Value From external source + (maybe) modification

7 RecBrowser for Single Record Edit single record All fields with description, maybe menus Shows external source & value Edit internal value

8 TableBrowser for ‘Logic’ Add, remove, sort, filter, fill columns Color-coded values: external/internal/conflicting

9 Basic Spreadsheet Support Perl tools for Import/Export ASCII, Columns have to match EPICS fields

10 Scenario: Have (Capfast)-DB Check/Define IOC and Logic for that DB Create DB from Capfast Import DB, specify the Capfast drawing as the “external source” Create *.DB for IOC could use the original DB, but this assures that the import worked For changes: RDB indicates Capfast drawing, so that source can be changed and re-imported

11 Scenario: Signal List Spreadsheet Setup: Define IOC and logic Import spreadsheet into that logic Use TableBrowser to “fill blanks”, add records, modify errors Generate DB file from RDB Changes: Might change spreadsheet and re-import, though in many cases the spreadsheet contained only rudimentary information (NAME, INP/OUT) and is rarely used again.

12 Scenario: Template & Substitution Info Setup: IOC, Logic On Host, create DB from Template plus Device Information from RDB, script, substitution file, … Import DB, specify the script as the “external source” When modifying, RDB indicates original source, so that template/device information can be changed and re-imported

13 EPICS RDB Idea EPICS RDB: reports, define missing fields,... IOC *.DB, maybe startup, dbd *.DB emacs, vi,... Device RDB Capfast template script *.DB IOC *.DB SQL, perl-DBI JDBC

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