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Blue part is out of 50 Green part is out of 50  Total of 100 points possible.

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1 Blue part is out of 50 Green part is out of 50  Total of 100 points possible

2 Differential Equations Remember: A differential equation is an equation that involves a function and some of its derivatives. A separable equation can be written  To solve, we treat as a fraction.  Put the y’s on the left with dy, put x’s on the right with dx, and integrate each side.

3 Ex. Let, find the general solution.

4 Ex. Solve

5 Pract. 1) 2)

6 Def. An initial value problem (IVP) is a differential equation and a value of the solution.

7 Ex. Solve the IVP if.

8 Important: A solution must be a function that is differentiable over the largest interval containing the initial value and that satisfies the original differential equation. Ex. Find the solution to if y (3) = -4

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