NOV. 19, 2015 BPA Meeting. Nov. 19– BPA Meeting Meeting called to order Roll Call- be sure you have signed-in Stand and recite the BPA Pledge: Pledge:

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Presentation on theme: "NOV. 19, 2015 BPA Meeting. Nov. 19– BPA Meeting Meeting called to order Roll Call- be sure you have signed-in Stand and recite the BPA Pledge: Pledge:"— Presentation transcript:

1 NOV. 19, 2015 BPA Meeting

2 Nov. 19– BPA Meeting Meeting called to order Roll Call- be sure you have signed-in Stand and recite the BPA Pledge: Pledge: We are met in a spirit of friendship and goodwill as we prepare for careers in a world-class workforce. We work together to develop professionalism and leadership through Business Professionals of America and pledge our loyalty to our nation.

3 Honor Chord Requirements Seniors only! To receive an honor chord, you must successful complete the following:  Attend 90% of Meetings  Participate in Fund Raisers  Participate in Community Service Project  Compete in the BPA Regional Competition in January

4 Competition Select your competition today. Complete the registration form. You may select 1 individual and 1 group. ( form $15 /refundable fee will be due Nov. 20!- TOMORROW This is refundable only on the day you attend competition and ensures your attendance. - CASH ONLY! Competition: January 30, 2016 @ Dubuski High School- MARK YOUR CALENDARS!

5 Fundraiser Fundraiser:  Popcorn Sales will begin tomorrow (Nov. 20 th )  Pick up your popcorn tomorrow and take home for the Thanksgiving Break.  Each member must sell at least 5 bundles.  Incentive: for every 5 bundles sold= $5.00 off cost of your BPA T- shirt. Sell 5 bundles= $5 T-shirt discount Must sell increments of 5 to receive discount. (ex. sell 8 bundles = $5 T-shirt discount ; not $8 discount)  ALL POPCORN MONEY DUE BY Dec. 3! No excuses!

6 T-shirt T-shirt Sales: $15.00 – cash or money order only. Complete the T- shirt order form. Popcorn sales can go toward the cost of your t- shirt. All popcorn money must be turned in to apply towards your t- shirt. DUE by Nov. 20 Dec. 3 (Next meeting)Complete the T- shirt order form.

7 Community Service Bring unwrapped toy  Deadline:, If the toys can be delivered by December 11 th or 12 th  Drop off with Ms. Johnson or Ms. Fields  Unwrapped NEW toy for boy and a girl.  4 to 12 years Christmas Party for kids  See Brianna Myers for further details.  NOTE: You must complete an application form before participating in this event. (Christmas Party event)application

8 State Information T-shirt Design Contest  To design the logo for the State Leadership Conference special event t-shirt. The winner will receive a free t-shirt, a certificate, and $25.The winner will be recognized at the Special Recognition Ceremony at SLC. To design the logo for the State Leadership Conference special event t-shirt. The winner will receive a free t-shirt, a certificate, and $25.The winner will be recognized at the Special Recognition Ceremony at SLC. Pin Design Contest  To design a state BPA pin to exchange at the 2016 National Leadership Conference in Boston, Massachusetts. The top winners will each receive a pin (at NLC), a certificate, and $25. The winner will be recognized at the Special Recognition Ceremony at SLC. To design a state BPA pin to exchange at the 2016 National Leadership Conference in Boston, Massachusetts. The top winners will each receive a pin (at NLC), a certificate, and $25. The winner will be recognized at the Special Recognition Ceremony at SLC. See Ms. Fields or Ms. Johnson for application and details.

9 Next Meeting Date Thursday, Dec. 3 rd - After School- Rm. 239- 3:45 pm) Be sure to pick up pass to attend the day before or the day of the meeting. You must have a pass in order to remain in the building after school. BPA Officers- Be sure to schedule an officer meeting weekly before the next scheduled group meeting. (this can be without sponsors- just let us both know what is discussed)

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