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Arklow CBS 2012/2014 Arklow CBS 2012/2014. Leaving Certificate Subject Options Leaving Certificate Subject Options Core Subjects English Irish Mathematics.

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Presentation on theme: "Arklow CBS 2012/2014 Arklow CBS 2012/2014. Leaving Certificate Subject Options Leaving Certificate Subject Options Core Subjects English Irish Mathematics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arklow CBS 2012/2014 Arklow CBS 2012/2014

2 Leaving Certificate Subject Options Leaving Certificate Subject Options Core Subjects English Irish Mathematics Physical Education Information Technology Religion Career Guidance

3 Optional Subjects 1. 1. History 2. 2. Geography 3. 3. French 4. 4. German 5. 5. Biology 6. 6. Physics 7. 7. Chemistry 8. 8. Business 9. 9. Accounting 10. 10. Art 11. 11. Construction Studies 12. 12. Design & Communication Graphics 13. 13. Music 14. 14. LCVP – Additional Option

4 Advice 1. 1. What subjects is your son most interested in and Enjoys? 2. 2. Which subjects is he likely to do best in? 3. 3. What subject(s) will he need? 4. 4. Try to strike balance between subjects – Projects Work V None, Academic V Practical 5. 5. Select subjects that will maximise your son’s opportunities after Leaving Cert.

5 Subject Selection Process 1. 1. Students select levels for Core Subjects 2. 2. Students will select their 6 subjects from the range available 3. 3. Subjects are placed in 4 blocks whereby each student can only take 1 subject from each block 4. 4. Students make their final subject choice from the 4 blocks 5. 5. LCVP – Optional extra subject depending on other subject combinations

6 School Requirements School Uniform School Tracksuit- School Jacket - Levies €150 Book Rental Scheme - €140 + €20 Voluntary Subscription -

7 Qualifax

8 Careers

9 Aptitude Verbal Reasoning Numerical Ability VR + NA Abstract Reasoning 99829699 Speed & Accuracy Mechanical Reasoning Space Relations SpellingLanguage Usage 9886918690

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