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Bailey, Melville McKay Lived from May 31/1891 – November 2/1917.

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2 Bailey, Melville McKay Lived from May 31/1891 – November 2/1917

3 Background info. Mother: Mrs. Isabella Bailey Regimental Number: 902144 Rank: Private Unit: 193 rd From: Oxford, Nova Scotia Description: He is 5ft 11”,with brown eyes and black hair, has a dark complexion. He was a single man.

4 Mrs. Robert Baillie. Loomis, Sask. Canada He had two other solders witness his form of will.H.W.Murdock and J.C. Hogan were the two witness's. Both were stationed in the army in P.O.London.

5 Bailey was killed in action In 1916 he had caught the mumps, but he had recovered from that to be killed inaction. Killed in action on Nov,2 nd /1917.

6 How did battles get their names and dates? Names for the Canadian battles of the First World War were standardized in 1921 by the Battles Nomenclature Committee. This committee was appointed by British authorities and included three Canadian representatives. Generally, battles were named after nearby towns or geographical features. The Committee used military records to determine the official dates for each battle.

7 Why don't all War Diaries look the same or contain the same type of information? Every Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF) unit interpreted the requirement to compile a War Diary somewhat differently. For instance, though the majority of units typed their diaries, some were written by hand. The extent of the information compiled and the number of appendices included also varied from diary to diary. The Canadian War Records Office instructed units in how to write their War Diaries in an attempt to standardize them, but this was only partially successful.



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