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“True for you, but not for me.”. Subjective or Objective ? That shirt is red. Red is the most beautiful color. 2 + 2 = 4 Tropical island vacations are.

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Presentation on theme: "“True for you, but not for me.”. Subjective or Objective ? That shirt is red. Red is the most beautiful color. 2 + 2 = 4 Tropical island vacations are."— Presentation transcript:

1 “True for you, but not for me.”

2 Subjective or Objective ? That shirt is red. Red is the most beautiful color. 2 + 2 = 4 Tropical island vacations are the best kind. Atoms consist of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Steve can run a 4 second 40 yard dash. God exists. Jesus is the only way to God, even for Jews. Premarital sex is immoral. Elective abortions are immoral.


4 1. THE NATURE OF TRUTH Truth is objective. Truth is exclusive.

5 2. THE MYTH OF NEUTRALITY There is no neutral ground. The “Tolerance Trick”.

6 3. THE SOURCE OF MORALITY Personal Choice ? Society/Culture ? Nature/Evolution ? God ?

7 Greg Koukl “Moral rules are a kind of communication. They are propositions: intelligent statements of meaning conveyed from one mind to another. The propositions are in the form of imperatives, commands. A command only makes sense when there are two minds involved, one giving the command and one receiving it.”

8 1.The Nature of Truth 2.The Myth of Neutrality 3.The Source of Morality

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