Fuel and DCR Overview Introduction Page With Picture: Use Arial, 125 pt for title, Use Arial, 100 pt for introduction. This page will again display the.

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Presentation on theme: "Fuel and DCR Overview Introduction Page With Picture: Use Arial, 125 pt for title, Use Arial, 100 pt for introduction. This page will again display the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fuel and DCR Overview Introduction Page With Picture: Use Arial, 125 pt for title, Use Arial, 100 pt for introduction. This page will again display the title as well as give an introduction to the presentation. A good way to do this is to give an example of why the subject is important, what’s in it for the student. Let’s say the training module is how to program the date and time on the terminal. An introduction could be: Jane is the manager of a convenience store. She has noticed on her receipts the time is incorrect. She needs to know how to update the time in her terminal. Copyright 2006 VeriFone, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be copied, distributed, stored in a retrieval system, translated into any human or computer language, transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written consent of VeriFone, Inc. VeriFone, Inc. is a registered trademark of VeriFone, Inc. All other brand names and trademarks appearing in this documentation are the property of their respective owners.

2 Introduction Fuel and DCR Overview
As a VASC, it will be critical for you to be able to determine the type of fuel and dispenser card readers (DCRs) which interface with VeriFone systems. Each dispenser manufacturer has specific equipment which must be used in order to successfully interface with the VeriFone system. Failure to understand the equipment and interfaces will result in non-communication with the dispensers and card readers. Introduction Page With Picture: Use Arial, 125 pt for title, Use Arial, 100 pt for introduction. This page will again display the title as well as give an introduction to the presentation. A good way to do this is to give an example of why the subject is important, what’s in it for the student. Let’s say the training module is how to program the date and time on the terminal. An introduction could be: Jane is the manager of a convenience store. She has noticed on her receipts the time is incorrect. She needs to know how to update the time in her terminal.

3 Objectives In this module you will learn: Fuel and DCR Overview
Objective List Page With Picture: Use Arial 125 pt, for Objective, Use 100 pt. For words A training objective is an action you promise the student he/she will be able to perform after they complete a training module. A training objective should be specific. Examples: * Open an application using GemStall. * Program the Time and Date on the Terminal The following are NOT training objectives: Become familiar with gemstall. (Becoming familiar is not an action) Learn the maintenance mode. (Not specific – too vague) NOTE: The training modules are to be “bite sized” – meaning approximately 20 minutes of material. You should not have more than 3 objectives, if you have more to cover break up the training into smaller pieces of information. In this module you will learn: Dispenser interfaces compatible with VeriFone systems. Required equipment when interfacing fuel and card readers with VeriFone systems. Different types of blend dispensers Suggested reading.

4 Interfaces Fuel and DCR Overview
Objective or Contents Page With Picture: Use Arial 125pt for the title of objective, use Arial 100pt for the explanation. Use these pages to explain and discuss the objective. Left hand side is for pictures, graphics, charts, etc which give examples of what it is you are explaining. The VeriFone POS system is capable of interfacing with the following dispenser manufacturers: Gilbarco Schlumberger Tokheim Wayne Each network or major oil (Alliance Data Systems, Citgo, Shell, etc.) has specific standards as to which pump manufacturers will be supported. Release Notes will serve as an excellent tool to ensure a dispenser is compatible and the appropriate firmware needed when interfacing with VeriFone terminals.

5 VeriFone POS Controller
Interfaces Fuel and DCR Overview Objective or Contents Page With Picture: Use Arial 125pt for the title of objective, use Arial 100pt for the explanation. Use these pages to explain and discuss the objective. Left hand side is for pictures, graphics, charts, etc which give examples of what it is you are explaining. VeriFone POS Controller Fuel & DCR Interface When interfacing fuel and card readers with VeriFone terminals an RS232 serial connection will be used. The maximum length for an RS232 connection from the VeriFone controller to the fuel and the card reader interfaces is 100 feet. Please note spliced cables should not be used. RS232 – Maximum: 100 feet

6 Interfaces Fuel and DCR Overview Release Notes
When interfacing the Dispenser and DCR devices with VeriFone equipment it will be critical to refer to the Release Notes for the specific software application and version. The release notes include a Fuel Hardware Peripherals chart. Prior to installing and upgrading VeriFone software refer to these charts. The chart will determine what version of firmware is required for the Dispenser and DCR devices in order to successfully interface with VeriFone equipment. Objective or Contents Page With Picture: Use Arial 125pt for the title of objective, use Arial 100pt for the explanation. Use these pages to explain and discuss the objective. Left hand side is for pictures, graphics, charts, etc which give examples of what it is you are explaining.

7 Interfaces Fuel and DCR Overview Gilbarco - Fuel
The Gilbarco fuel interface is referred to as the PAM or Pump Access Module. When interfacing fuel with the VeriFone controller please note the baud rate in the PAM must be set to 4800. The cable and connector needed for the PAM are: RS232 Cable (up to 100 feet): P/N xx Adapter, DB9 PAM: P/N The Gilbarco Adapter (P/N ) connects to the Gilbarco fuel interface port labeled P909-2 on the PAM unit. The default fuel comport on the VeriFone controller is usually comport 6. Objective or Contents Page With Picture: Use Arial 125pt for the title of objective, use Arial 100pt for the explanation. Use these pages to explain and discuss the objective. Left hand side is for pictures, graphics, charts, etc which give examples of what it is you are explaining. PAM adaptor – connection There will be an RS232 connected to this adaptor and then connected to comport 6 on the VeriFone controller.

8 Interfaces Fuel and DCR Overview Gilbarco - Fuel
There is also an Enhanced PAM. The main difference between a PAM and an Enhanced PAM is the firmware. An Enhanced PAM will have firmware v or higher. Cable and connection part numbers are the same for the PAM as the Enhanced PAM. Objective or Contents Page With Picture: Use Arial 125pt for the title of objective, use Arial 100pt for the explanation. Use these pages to explain and discuss the objective. Left hand side is for pictures, graphics, charts, etc which give examples of what it is you are explaining.

9 Interfaces Fuel and DCR Overview Gilbarco – Fuel Pam 5000
Gilbarco has released into the field a replacement for its PAM1000. This new Pump Access Module (PAM) controls BOTH fuel and DCRs in one unit.  The PAM 5000 brings the following new capabilities: -- PAM 5000 is a functional drop-in replacement for PAM 1000 with no POS software changes required -- The two-wire cables used for pump control can be connected directly to the DSB492 Current Loop module in the PAM 5000, eliminating the PA0261 distribution box that is normally used for pump control. Objective or Contents Page With Picture: Use Arial 125pt for the title of objective, use Arial 100pt for the explanation. Use these pages to explain and discuss the objective. Left hand side is for pictures, graphics, charts, etc which give examples of what it is you are explaining.

10 Interfaces Fuel and DCR Overview Gilbarco - CRIND
The Gilbarco card reader interface is referred to as the CRIND or Card Reader IN Dispenser. When interfacing card readers with the VeriFone controller please note the baud rate in the PAM must be set to 4800. CRIND addresses must match the fueling point addresses. If these are not set up the same there will be communication problems. The CRIND requires Gilbarco Generic CRIND software. Major Oil CRIND (MOC) software is not compatible with VeriFone DCR software. Objective or Contents Page With Picture: Use Arial 125pt for the title of objective, use Arial 100pt for the explanation. Use these pages to explain and discuss the objective. Left hand side is for pictures, graphics, charts, etc which give examples of what it is you are explaining.

11 Interfaces Fuel and DCR Overview Gilbarco - CRIND
The following parts are needed to establish communication between the Gilbarco CRIND (D-Box) and the VeriFone controller: RS232 Cable: P/N Male DB25 Adapter: P/N DCR Converter: P/N Gilbarco DCR Distribution Cable: P/N Objective or Contents Page With Picture: Use Arial 125pt for the title of objective, use Arial 100pt for the explanation. Use these pages to explain and discuss the objective. Left hand side is for pictures, graphics, charts, etc which give examples of what it is you are explaining. RS232 Cable DB25 Adaptor B & B Connector Distribution Cable

12 Interfaces Fuel and DCR Overview Gilbarco - CRIND
The RS232 cable is connected to the appropriate comport on the VeriFone controller. The default card reader comport on the VeriFone controller is usually comport 9. The RS232 is connected to the male adapter. The male adapter is connected to the B & B/DCR Converter. The B & B is connected to the Gilbarco DCR Distribution Cable. Objective or Contents Page With Picture: Use Arial 125pt for the title of objective, use Arial 100pt for the explanation. Use these pages to explain and discuss the objective. Left hand side is for pictures, graphics, charts, etc which give examples of what it is you are explaining. RS232 Cable DB25 Adaptor B & B Connector DCR Distribution Cable

13 Interfaces Fuel and DCR Overview Gilbarco - CRIND
The DCR Converter (B & B) converts an RS485 communication to RS232. Ensure the correct dip-switch is set on the DCR converter. Objective or Contents Page With Picture: Use Arial 125pt for the title of objective, use Arial 100pt for the explanation. Use these pages to explain and discuss the objective. Left hand side is for pictures, graphics, charts, etc which give examples of what it is you are explaining.

14 Interfaces Fuel and DCR Overview Gilbarco - GSM
Should a Gilbarco site need debit capabilities a Gilbarco Security Module (GSM) will be required. The GSM is attached to the VeriFone controller via an RS232 interface. The GSM is an encryption/decryption device that ensures debit card, PIN, and other critical customer information is maintained under the most secure conditions. This is only required for debit handling networks. The GSM version is dependent on the network. Any open comport can be used on the VeriFone controller – except for comports 2 & 3. Objective or Contents Page With Picture: Use Arial 125pt for the title of objective, use Arial 100pt for the explanation. Use these pages to explain and discuss the objective. Left hand side is for pictures, graphics, charts, etc which give examples of what it is you are explaining.

15 Interfaces Fuel and DCR Overview Gilbarco - GSM
The GSM is a Gilbarco part and must be ordered through Gilbarco. When receiving the GSM you will be shipped a gray connector. When interfacing a GSM with a VeriFone controller, do not use the gray connector. When interfacing a GSM with a VeriFone controller you will need VeriFone P/N , Rev D. This MUST be used to successfully connect the GSM with the Ruby. Objective or Contents Page With Picture: Use Arial 125pt for the title of objective, use Arial 100pt for the explanation. Use these pages to explain and discuss the objective. Left hand side is for pictures, graphics, charts, etc which give examples of what it is you are explaining.

16 Interfaces Fuel and DCR Overview Schlumberger - Fuel
The Schlumberger fuel interface is referred to as the SAM or Schlumberger Access Module. Several years ago Tokheim purchased Schlumberger. For this reason the interface box may be referred to as a TAM or Tokheim Access Module. Please be aware the internal electronics and port connections are identical to the SAM. When interfacing fuel with the VeriFone controller please note the baud rate in the S/TAM must be set to 4800. Objective or Contents Page With Picture: Use Arial 125pt for the title of objective, use Arial 100pt for the explanation. Use these pages to explain and discuss the objective. Left hand side is for pictures, graphics, charts, etc which give examples of what it is you are explaining.

17 Interfaces Fuel and DCR Overview Schlumberger - Fuel
The cable and connector needed for the S/TAM are: RS232 Cable: P/N xx Adaptor, SAM: P/N The DB9 male adapter (P/N ) connects to Port 1 on the S/TAM. After the connection is made the adapter should be secured by tightening the screws. The RS232 cable is then connected from the adapter to the appropriate port assigned on the VeriFone controller. The default fuel comport on the VeriFone controller is usually comport 6. Objective or Contents Page With Picture: Use Arial 125pt for the title of objective, use Arial 100pt for the explanation. Use these pages to explain and discuss the objective. Left hand side is for pictures, graphics, charts, etc which give examples of what it is you are explaining. Fuel Connection

18 Interfaces Fuel and DCR Overview Schlumberger - CardScan
The card reader interface for Schlumberger is also the S/TAM. Schlumberger card readers are referred to as CardScan. When interfacing card readers with the VeriFone controller please note the baud rate for the S/TAM CardScan must be set to 4800. The default card reader comport on the VeriFone controller is usually comport 9. Objective or Contents Page With Picture: Use Arial 125pt for the title of objective, use Arial 100pt for the explanation. Use these pages to explain and discuss the objective. Left hand side is for pictures, graphics, charts, etc which give examples of what it is you are explaining. CardScan Connection D-Box Connection

19 Interfaces Fuel and DCR Overview Schlumberger – CardScan
The following parts are needed to establish communication between the Schlumberger CardScan and the VeriFone controller. RS232 Cable: P/N xx DB9 Adapter: P/N Note when interfacing Schlumberger card readers with the VeriFone controller a DCR Converter (B & B is not required). Connect the RS232 cable (P/N xx) to the appropriate comport on the VeriFone controller and to the male DB9 Adapter (P/N ). The 9-pin adapter connects to Port 2 on the S/TAM. Objective or Contents Page With Picture: Use Arial 125pt for the title of objective, use Arial 100pt for the explanation. Use these pages to explain and discuss the objective. Left hand side is for pictures, graphics, charts, etc which give examples of what it is you are explaining. Fuel Connection CardScan Connection D-Box Connection

20 Interfaces Fuel and DCR Overview Tokheim - Fuel Closed Box
The Tokheim fuel interface is referred to as the VXDHC. DHC is an acronym for Dedicated Hose Controller. Prior to the VXDHC Tokheim manufactured a DHC interface. The main difference between a DHC and a VXDHC is the firmware. An VXDHC will have firmware v or higher. Cable and connection part numbers are the same for the DHC as the VXDHC. Objective or Contents Page With Picture: Use Arial 125pt for the title of objective, use Arial 100pt for the explanation. Use these pages to explain and discuss the objective. Left hand side is for pictures, graphics, charts, etc which give examples of what it is you are explaining. Label Close-up VXDHC Inside

21 Interfaces Fuel and DCR Overview Closed Box
When interfacing fuel with the VeriFone controller please note the baud rate in the DHC must be set to 9600. The cable and connector needed for the VXDHC are: RS232 Cable (up to 100 feet): P/N xx Adapter, DB25M Null Modem: P/N The Tokheim adapter (P/N ) connects to the DHC J4 connector. After the connection is made the adapter should be secured by tightening the screws. The RS232 cable is then connected from the adapter to the appropriate port assigned on the VeriFone controller. The default fuel comport on the VeriFone controller is usually comport 6. Objective or Contents Page With Picture: Use Arial 125pt for the title of objective, use Arial 100pt for the explanation. Use these pages to explain and discuss the objective. Left hand side is for pictures, graphics, charts, etc which give examples of what it is you are explaining. Label Close-up VXDHC Inside

22 Interfaces Fuel and DCR Overview Tokheim - DPT
The Tokheim card reader interface is referred to as the DPT or Dispenser Payment Terminal. When interfacing card readers with the VeriFone controller please note the baud rate for the DPT must be set to 9600. DPT addresses must match the fueling point addresses. If these are not set up the same there will be communication problems. Objective or Contents Page With Picture: Use Arial 125pt for the title of objective, use Arial 100pt for the explanation. Use these pages to explain and discuss the objective. Left hand side is for pictures, graphics, charts, etc which give examples of what it is you are explaining. RS232 Cable DB25 Adaptor B & B Connector DCR Distribution Cable

23 Interfaces Fuel and DCR Overview Tokheim - DPT
The following parts are needed to establish communication between the Tokheim DPT and the VeriFone controller: RS232 Cable: P/N xx Male DB25 Adapter: P/N DCR Converter: P/N Tokheim DCR Distribution Cable: P/N Objective or Contents Page With Picture: Use Arial 125pt for the title of objective, use Arial 100pt for the explanation. Use these pages to explain and discuss the objective. Left hand side is for pictures, graphics, charts, etc which give examples of what it is you are explaining. RS232 Cable DB25 Adaptor B & B Connector DCR Distribution Cable

24 Interfaces Fuel and DCR Overview Tokheim - DPT
The RS232 cable is connected to the appropriate comport on the VeriFone controller. The default card reader comport on the VeriFone controller is usually comport 9. The RS232 is connected to the male adapter. The male adapter is connected to the B & B/DCR Converter. The B & B is connected to the Tokheim DCR Distribution Cable. Objective or Contents Page With Picture: Use Arial 125pt for the title of objective, use Arial 100pt for the explanation. Use these pages to explain and discuss the objective. Left hand side is for pictures, graphics, charts, etc which give examples of what it is you are explaining. RS232 Cable DB25 Adaptor B & B Connector DCR Distribution Cable

25 Interfaces Fuel and DCR Overview Tokheim - DPT
The DCR Converter (B & B) converts an RS485 communication to RS232. Ensure the correct dip-switch is set on the DCR converter. Objective or Contents Page With Picture: Use Arial 125pt for the title of objective, use Arial 100pt for the explanation. Use these pages to explain and discuss the objective. Left hand side is for pictures, graphics, charts, etc which give examples of what it is you are explaining.

26 Interfaces Fuel and DCR Overview Wayne - Fuel
The Wayne fuel interface is referred to as the PIB or Pump Interface Board. When interfacing fuel with the VeriFone controller please note the baud rate in the PIB must be set to 1200. The cable and connector needed for the PIB are: RS232 Cable (up to 100 feet): P/N xx Adapter, DB25 Null Modem: P/N Objective or Contents Page With Picture: Use Arial 125pt for the title of objective, use Arial 100pt for the explanation. Use these pages to explain and discuss the objective. Left hand side is for pictures, graphics, charts, etc which give examples of what it is you are explaining. Fuel Connection PIB Board

27 Interfaces Fuel and DCR Overview Wayne - Fuel
The Wayne Adapter (P/N ) connects to the Wayne PIB interface port. After the connection is made the adapter should be secured by tightening the screws. The RS232 cable is then connected from the adapter to the appropriate port assigned on the VeriFone controller. The default fuel comport on the VeriFone controller is usually comport 6. Objective or Contents Page With Picture: Use Arial 125pt for the title of objective, use Arial 100pt for the explanation. Use these pages to explain and discuss the objective. Left hand side is for pictures, graphics, charts, etc which give examples of what it is you are explaining. Fuel Connection PIB Board

28 Interfaces Fuel and DCR Overview Wayne - Fuel
There is also a Hyper-PIB. The Hyper-PIB is a different electronic board and uses a different firmware version. Cable and connection part numbers are the same for the PIB as the Hyper-PIB. Objective or Contents Page With Picture: Use Arial 125pt for the title of objective, use Arial 100pt for the explanation. Use these pages to explain and discuss the objective. Left hand side is for pictures, graphics, charts, etc which give examples of what it is you are explaining.

29 Interfaces Fuel and DCR Overview Wayne - DCPT
The Wayne card reader interface is referred to as the DCPT or Dispenser Card Payment Terminal. When interfacing card readers with the VeriFone controller please note the baud rate for the DCPT must be set to 9600. Objective or Contents Page With Picture: Use Arial 125pt for the title of objective, use Arial 100pt for the explanation. Use these pages to explain and discuss the objective. Left hand side is for pictures, graphics, charts, etc which give examples of what it is you are explaining. DCPT Connection CAT Board

30 Interfaces Fuel and DCR Overview Wayne - DCPT
There are two communication hardware options for installation when interfacing Wayne DCPT’s with the VeriFone controller. They are: Installation of the CAT (Card Access Terminal) board, or Cable/adapter connections using the DCR Converter (B & B Connector) Objective or Contents Page With Picture: Use Arial 125pt for the title of objective, use Arial 100pt for the explanation. Use these pages to explain and discuss the objective. Left hand side is for pictures, graphics, charts, etc which give examples of what it is you are explaining. DCPT Connection CAT Board

31 Interfaces Fuel and DCR Overview
Wayne – DCPT, Using B & B/DCR Converter The following parts are needed to establish communication between the Wayne DCPT and the VeriFone controller when installed with the DCR Converter: RS232 Cable: P/N xx Male DB25 Adapter: P/N DCR Converter: P/N Wayne DCR Distribution Cable: P/N Objective or Contents Page With Picture: Use Arial 125pt for the title of objective, use Arial 100pt for the explanation. Use these pages to explain and discuss the objective. Left hand side is for pictures, graphics, charts, etc which give examples of what it is you are explaining. RS232 Cable DB25 Adaptor B & B Connector DCR Distribution Cable

32 Interfaces Fuel and DCR Overview
Wayne – DCPT, Using B & B/DCR Converter The RS232 cable is connected to the appropriate comport on the VeriFone controller. The default card reader comport on the VeriFone controller is usually comport 9. The RS232 is connected to the male adapter. The male adapter is connected to the B & B/DCR Converter. The B & B is connected to the Wayne DCR Distribution Cable. Objective or Contents Page With Picture: Use Arial 125pt for the title of objective, use Arial 100pt for the explanation. Use these pages to explain and discuss the objective. Left hand side is for pictures, graphics, charts, etc which give examples of what it is you are explaining. RS232 Cable DB25 Adaptor B & B Connector DCR Distribution Cable

33 Interfaces Fuel and DCR Overview Wayne – DCPT, Using CAT Board
The following parts are needed to establish communication between the Wayne DCPT and the Ruby (Controller) when installed with the CAT Board: RS232 Cable: P/N xx Male DB25 Adapter: P/N Connect the RS232 cable (P/N: ) to the appropriate comport on the VeriFone controller and to the male DB25 adapter (P/N: ). The male adapter is connected to the CAT Board serial connection. Objective or Contents Page With Picture: Use Arial 125pt for the title of objective, use Arial 100pt for the explanation. Use these pages to explain and discuss the objective. Left hand side is for pictures, graphics, charts, etc which give examples of what it is you are explaining. DCPT Connection CAT Board

34 Blend Types Fuel and DCR Overview
All locations will need to determine if they will be blending specific grades of fuel. Blending versus non-blending affects the number of fuel tanks and the type of dispensers at the site. When a location does not blend fuel the site will have a physical tank for each fuel product or grade. Tanks are expensive and use a great deal of physical space - for this reason many sites will choose to blend specific fuel products saving money and real-estate. When a site decides to blend fuel products the piping from the tanks to the dispensers is different. Typically if a site is blending fuel they are blending Unlead fuel with Premium to make a Mid-Grade product. The percentage of octane is determined by the amount of Unlead and Premium. Objective or Contents Page With Picture: Use Arial 125pt for the title of objective, use Arial 100pt for the explanation. Use these pages to explain and discuss the objective. Left hand side is for pictures, graphics, charts, etc which give examples of what it is you are explaining.

35 Blend Types Fuel and DCR Overview
Premium fuel has more octane than Unlead. Premium is sometimes referred to as High Feedstock and Unlead is referred to as Low Feedstock. When blending fuel the more Premium or High Feedstock, the more octane the Mid-Grade will have. Dispensers that blend product are physically different than dispensers that do not blend product. There are different blend dispenser types. When interfacing blend dispensers with the VeriFone controller it will be important to know the way in which the dispenser is physically blending product. Objective or Contents Page With Picture: Use Arial 125pt for the title of objective, use Arial 100pt for the explanation. Use these pages to explain and discuss the objective. Left hand side is for pictures, graphics, charts, etc which give examples of what it is you are explaining.

36 Blend Types Fuel and DCR Overview
When interfacing blend dispensers with the VeriFone controller, there are three different dispenser blend types you will need to understand. They include: Fixed Electronic Variable A blend dispenser will be physically manufactured and defined by each specific pump manufacturer. Let’s take a closer look at each dispenser blend type. Objective or Contents Page With Picture: Use Arial 125pt for the title of objective, use Arial 100pt for the explanation. Use these pages to explain and discuss the objective. Left hand side is for pictures, graphics, charts, etc which give examples of what it is you are explaining.

37 Blend Types Fuel and DCR Overview Fixed
When a blend dispenser is defined as fixed by the manufacturer then the blend ratio in the dispenser CANNOT be changed. The POS controller will be programmed with blend ratio’s but it will not be sent to the dispenser. However, the POS controller must be programmed to match the blend ratio in the dispenser – otherwise reporting on the POS will be inconsistent. In order to comply with weights and measurers dispensers should be programmed both at the dispenser and on the POS controller and MUST match. Objective or Contents Page With Picture: Use Arial 125pt for the title of objective, use Arial 100pt for the explanation. Use these pages to explain and discuss the objective. Left hand side is for pictures, graphics, charts, etc which give examples of what it is you are explaining.

38 Blend Types Fuel and DCR Overview Electronic
When a blend dispenser is defined as electronic by the manufacturer. An ASR can change the programming in the dispenser. The POS controller will be programmed with blend ratio’s and these ratio’s are usually sent to the dispenser. The blend programming in the dispenser MUST match the blend programming on the POS controller. If the blend programming in the dispenser does not match the POS there will be communication and blending problems. Objective or Contents Page With Picture: Use Arial 125pt for the title of objective, use Arial 100pt for the explanation. Use these pages to explain and discuss the objective. Left hand side is for pictures, graphics, charts, etc which give examples of what it is you are explaining.

39 Blend Types Fuel and DCR Overview Variable
When a blend dispenser is defined as variable by the manufacturer. An ASR can change the programming in the dispenser. The POS controller will be programmed with blend ratio’s and may trump any blend programming in the dispenser. The blend programming in the dispenser MUST match the blend programming on the POS controller. If the blend programming in the dispenser does not match the POS there will be communication and blending problems. Objective or Contents Page With Picture: Use Arial 125pt for the title of objective, use Arial 100pt for the explanation. Use these pages to explain and discuss the objective. Left hand side is for pictures, graphics, charts, etc which give examples of what it is you are explaining.

40 Suggested Reading Fuel and DCR Overview
To review the concepts presented in this training module we recommend referring to the following documentation: Pump Interface Diagram – this is available in the VASC Service Manual under Ruby Documentation, Ruby School Handouts Fuel and DCR Interfaces and Programming Reference Guide - this is available in the VASC Service Manual when accessing the Peripherals hyperlink. Release Notes – Fuel Hardware Peripherals chart Review Page With Picture: Use Arial 125 pt, for Review, Use 100 pt. For words The review page should be used if this is a continuation from a previous training module, in order to prepare the student for the next part or section of the training. It should be used at the end of the training module to review the training objectives with the student.

41 Suggested Reading Fuel and DCR Overview
To review the concepts presented in this training module we recommend referring to the following documentation: Pump Interface Diagram – this is available in the VASC Service Manual under Ruby Documentation, Ruby School Handouts Fuel and DCR Interfaces and Programming Reference Guide - this is available in the VASC Service Manual when accessing the Peripherals hyperlink. Release Notes – Fuel Hardware Peripherals chart Review Page With Picture: Use Arial 125 pt, for Review, Use 100 pt. For words The review page should be used if this is a continuation from a previous training module, in order to prepare the student for the next part or section of the training. It should be used at the end of the training module to review the training objectives with the student.

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