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Role of the Coordinator Communicate, Manage and Coordinate.

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Presentation on theme: "Role of the Coordinator Communicate, Manage and Coordinate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Role of the Coordinator Communicate, Manage and Coordinate

2 Communicate Between your Admin IB(depending how active your Head of School is)and Between your teachers and IB Between your students and IB Between you program and wider schoool community Between your program and parents

3 Communicate Sending in: – Visiting Examiner proposals (Visual Arts) – IA grades – Predicted grades – Registrations – Fees – Moderation Samples – World Lit, ToK papers and Ees – CAS Completion

4 Communicate Curriculum Changes (coordinator notes and OCC) PD Opportunities to staff Results to Administration Communicate with post secondary institutions

5 Manage Registrations Budget Course Schedule/timetable Standards and practices Internal deadlines (calendar of events) Student Records

6 Coordinate PLC – department meetings Cooperation between disciplines and individual teachers Group 4 project Integration of ToK into courses Program Review (5 Years)

7 Considerations Size and nature of programme Release time Other duties – Admin? Teaching? Selection method Status within the school Level of authority – With students? With teachers?

8 Making It Easier EE Coordinator CAS Coordinator Assistant IBIS Coordinator Help Desk Teachers who understand the whole program IB Trained Heads, Counselors and Librarians


10 LTCHS IB Coordinator Oversee the production of all IB promotional material used by the school Develop the IB Master timetable Administer the IB Budget as provided by the school and district Register candidates for IB exams

11 LTCHS IB Coordinator Submit all IB assessment components (internal assessment samples and external assessment scripts) to moderators and examiners Ensure that IB exams are administered according to IB regulations Set IB Exam schedule and invigilator schedule

12 LTCHS IB Coordinator Communicate all IB curricular and administrative developments to appropriate school staff and administration Coordinate IB training for IB staff (notification, registration, funding etc) Request IB transcripts for graduating IB students Provide academic counseling for IB students in the school

13 LTCHS IB Coordinator Host recruitment sessions for potential students from within the district Coordinate the staffing needs of the IB programme Assist in the in-school registration of IB students Communicate IB results to school and district administration Oversee the Extended Essay procedures in the school

14 LTCHS IB Coordinator Oversee the CAS programme in the school Provide staff with notification and material pertinent to IB curriculum changes to IB teaching staff Represent Lindsay Thurber at the Alberta IB regional association (ABIBS) Liaise with parents on IB issues pertaining to the IB programme as a whole and to individual students

15 LTCHS IB Coordinator Coordinate the IB year-end dinner Provide administrative and pedagogical guidance to IB teaching staff as required Liaise with school administration on issues of student discipline involving IB students Manage the IB Website as part of the Lindsay Thurber website Complete all other tasks and responsibilities as assigned by district or school administration

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