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Discuss the nutritional requirements of small animals including deficiency symptoms and functions Objective 6.01.

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Presentation on theme: "Discuss the nutritional requirements of small animals including deficiency symptoms and functions Objective 6.01."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discuss the nutritional requirements of small animals including deficiency symptoms and functions
Objective 6.01

2 Definitions Nutrition- process by which animals receive a proper and balanced food and water ration so it can grow, maintain its body, reproduce, and perform Nutrient- substance or part of feedstuff that is necessary for an organism to live and grow Also known as a single group of foods of the same general chemical composition that supports animal life Required nutrients include water, carbohydrates, fat, protein, minerals, and vitamins

3 There are six basic nutrients
Water- Most important nutrient! Animals can go without food for several days, but they need water because it is vital for proper body functions and makes up 55-65% of an animal’s body. Dissolves and transports other nutrients, aids in digestion, and carries waste from the body Regulates body temperature and supports breathing (respiration)

4 Six basic nutrients Proteins- Complex nutrients composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen Develop and repairing body organs and tissues ex.: muscles, nerves, skin, hair, hooves, and feathers Important in the reproduction process of the developing fetus, transmitting DNA, and development of young

5 Six basic nutrients Carbohydrates- Important in converting of food into energy. Carbohydrates are made up of chemical elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen Supports breathing, digesting, etc., stores fat, and produces heat for body warmth Types of carbohydrates- sugars, starch, fiber Fats-Contain the same chemical elements of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen as carbohydrates but different combinations Provides energy- contain 2.25 times more energy as an equal amount of protein and carbohydrates Aid in absorbing fat-soluble vitamins and provides the essential fatty acids needed in an animal’s diet

6 Six basic nutrients Vitamins- Organic substances designated by the letters A, B, C, D, E, and K. Needed for specific biochemical reactions Needed in very small amounts Needed for regulating the digestive system, absorption, and metabolism Minerals- Minerals supply the material for building the skeleton and producing regulators such as enzymes and hormones. Divided into 2 groups Macro-minerals-Seven major minerals needed in largest quantity and most likely lacking in the ration Micro-minerals-Nine trace minerals that are only needed in small amounts

7 Symptoms of nutrient deficiency
Slow growth is a common symptom of almost all nutrient deficiencies Water deficiency- body becomes overheated, and a slowdown in normal body functions occurs Protein deficiency- normal growth development and repairing of body organs ex: muscles, nerves, skin, hair, hooves, and feathers suffers. Protein deficiency may result in: anorexia, anemia, edema, slow growth rate, low birth weight of young, lower milk production, and decreased feed efficiency Carbohydrates- lack of energy, normal body functions, loss of body heat Fats deficiency- providing energy, aiding in absorption of fat-soluble vitamins Vitamin deficiency- various body functions will suffer when vitamins are lacking Mineral deficiency may cause low rate of gains, feed inefficiency, decreased reproduction, decrease in milk production, and production of meat, milk, eggs, and wool

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