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An Introduction To The Basics Of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy © contact:

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Presentation on theme: "An Introduction To The Basics Of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy © contact:"— Presentation transcript:

1 An Introduction To The Basics Of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy © contact:

2 CBT :The 1 st Thing We Need To Understand Is How Our Thoughts, Behaviours & Feelings Work Together Warning & Disclaimer This material is not intended to replace any advice of any medical professional whatsoever, including psychological and psychiatric advice. This material is offered for interest purposes only as my interpretation of published material I have purchased in regular High Street shops and my experience of using a number of the tools in a professional capacity. The professional capacity within which I use these tools is in no way connected to the psychological, psychiatric or medical profession as a whole. Once again, this material is for interest only and is not intended to replace the advice of any medical professional. If you are in any doubt, seek immediate assistance from the relevant authorities.

3 CBT :The 1 st Thing We Need To Understand Is How Our Thoughts, Behaviours & Feelings Work Together Meet Mike. Mike is our case study for today. Mike will help us understand the basics of CBT.

4 CBT :The 1 st Thing We Need To Understand Is How Our Thoughts, Behaviours & Feelings Work Together 1.Something happens – an event. This could be anything. Maybe... Mike’s friend passes their driving test, or the postman arrives or Mike ran out of milk Anything at all. The important thing is what happens next...

5 1. Event CBT :The 1 st Thing We Need To Understand Is How Our Thoughts, Behaviours & Feelings Work Together

6 2.Mike has a thought in reaction to the event. Jean passed her test first time around. It took me 4 attempts! Postman’s late again! All he ever brings is junk mail and bills anyway. Gah! Why didn’t I remember to stop at the shop earlier? I’ll have to go out again now!

7 CBT :The 1 st Thing We Need To Understand Is How Our Thoughts, Behaviours & Feelings Work Together 1. Event 2. Thought

8 CBT :The 1 st Thing We Need To Understand Is How Our Thoughts, Behaviours & Feelings Work Together 3a.Mike has a feeling in reaction to the thought. Useless, inferior (to Jean who passed her test) Angry (at lateness), downhearted (about the actual post he received) Exasperated (at himself), angry (at having to go out needlessly)

9 1. Event 2. Thought 3a. F eeling CBT :The 1 st Thing We Need To Understand Is How Our Thoughts, Behaviours & Feelings Work Together

10 3b.Mike will also behave (act in a certain way) in reaction to the thought and the feeling. Mike tells Jean she must have had a stroke of luck (instead of congratulating her effort) Mike moans at the postman and tells him he only ever brings him rubbish and that he might as well not bother! Mike storms down the shop in a huff, muttering to himself and being ignorant to other members of the public. CBT :The 1 st Thing We Need To Understand Is How Our Thoughts, Behaviours & Feelings Work Together

11 1. Event 2. Thought 3a. F eeling 3b. Behaviour

12 4.The final step is the outcome. What is the impact on Mike? Have his actions improved his life? Jean’s annoyed because of his reaction, she thought he would have been pleased for her. The postman thinks Mike is a grumpy old so-and-so. The next door neighbour that Mike didn’t even notice as he barged his way to the shop doesn’t think he’s such a nice guy now. CBT :The 1 st Thing We Need To Understand Is How Our Thoughts, Behaviours & Feelings Work Together

13 1. Event 2. Thought 3a. F eeling 3b. Behaviour 4. Outcome

14 CBT :The 1 st Thing We Need To Understand Is How Our Thoughts, Behaviours & Feelings Work Together The last thing to notice is the arrows between Thought, Feeling and Behaviour: They go both ways – in other words there is constant feedback. If you think something negative, you will feel and act negatively as a result. Those negative feelings will cause you to think even more negatively. The negative actions will cause more negative feelings and thus even more negative thoughts. The only way to break the cycle is to catch your thoughts as they develop and be critical of them.

15 CBT :The 1 st Thing We Need To Understand Is How Our Thoughts, Behaviours & Feelings Work Together 1. Event 2. Thought 3a. F eeling 3b. Behaviour 4. Outcome

16 CBT :The 1 st Thing We Need To Understand Is How Our Thoughts, Behaviours & Feelings Work Together Key Learning Summary Part I Everytime something happens, we have a thought in relation to it Negative thoughts cause negative feelings Negative thoughts and feelings cause negative behaviours Negative behaviours and negative feelings cause more negative thoughts The outcome does not improve one’s life The only way to combat it is to be conscious of the thought as it happens and challenge it, work out why you thought it. This is where we will start using some of the tools.

17 CBT :The 1 st Thing We Need To Understand Is How Our Thoughts, Behaviours & Feelings Work Together Key Learning Summary Part II We can see from this that the initial thought in each scenario went unchecked. Mike didn’t stop himself and ask why he thought what he thought. If he had, he could have dismissed the thoughts immediately, which would have meant he felt differently about the events and naturally would have acted differently. Not only did Mike make his own life worse, he also hurt the feelings of 3 other people. The knack is recognising the thought – be conscious of the cognition!

18 CBT :The 1 st Thing We Need To Understand Is How Our Thoughts, Behaviours & Feelings Work Together 1. Event 2. Thought 3a. F eeling 3b. Behaviour 4. Outcome

19 CBT :The 1 st Thing We Need To Understand Is How Our Thoughts, Behaviours & Feelings Work Together Fin

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