SAE Animal Projects 2012-2014. 2013-2014 Robin Robin was my Spring Branch show gilt. She was a 230 pound Duroc that ate about 4 pounds of 672 Linders.

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1 SAE Animal Projects 2012-2014

2 2013-2014

3 Robin Robin was my Spring Branch show gilt. She was a 230 pound Duroc that ate about 4 pounds of 672 Linders feed twice a day. Her red skin took two hours of hard work to keep it moisturized and bright. She took 11th place market gilt for 2014.

4 Batman Batman was my Chapter barrow project for the year of 2013-2014 show and sale. All the money he made from auction was given to the Spring Branch chapter. He was a very sound Berkshire mix that weighed about 200 pounds and ate 4 pounds twice a day by show.

5 Summer of 2013

6 Clairabell Clairabell was my blue butt gilt that I showed at the 2013 Harris County Fair and Youth Expo of Harris county. She weighed about 286 pounds and she ate about 3 pounds of 672 Linders feed twice a day.

7 2012-2013

8 Bud My 2013-2014 Spring Branch FFA Lamb, Bud, was 87 pounds. He was a handsome ram lamb that took 4th place in the Spring Branch Show and Sale in 2013. He ate about 2 1/2 ponds of Showmaster feed twice a day.

9 Toby My very first project was a barrow named Toby. He was a very proud Yorkshire/ Hampshire mix that was shown at the 2012-2013 Spring Branch FFA show and sale. He weighed about 230 and ate about 4 pounds of Moormans feed twice, daily. He finished with 12th place.

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