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 Question D LO: To evaluate our mock exam responses and improve our D and E answers.

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1  Question D LO: To evaluate our mock exam responses and improve our D and E answers

2  Continue from last lesson – cutting out the D questions and bullet pointing more detail about each point made. Everyone should have finished the first two from last lesson.  There are some notes on slides 4 and 6 to help you with the last two questions.

3 LO: To evaluate our mock exam responses and improve our D and E answers Roles of Women? WOMEN IN THE BIBLE… CofE vs. RC on Church roles… GARDEN OF EDEN… Eve helper… weaker… sinned… INFERIOR… “husband is the head of the wife” ST PAUL… Shh! EQUALITY QUOTES RC – JESUS’ DISCIPLES…

4  Women in the Bible – God trusted Mary in the Bible to give birth and raise Jesus which is putting a great deal of trust in a woman.  CofE vs. RC – Church of England allow women to be vicars and bishops and lead Church services. Roman Catholics do not allow women to be priests.  Garden of Eden – Eve is viewed as weaker than Adam for eating the fruit and giving into temptation first. She was also made as a helper to Adam – not his equal.  Roman Catholics – Jesus’ disciples were all men so they believe all priests should be men as this is how Jesus wanted to run his Church.  “Husband is the head of the wife” – Bible quote showing the belief that the husband and man is the dominant partner in a relationship.  St Paul shhh – St Paul said that women should be silent in the Church. Another reason to not let women lead Church services.  Equality quotes – the Bible says that God does not show favouritism so he wouldn’t favour men over women. Bible says ‘there is neither male nor female… all are one in Christ Jesus’ – suggests that your sex is not important, only your faith.

5 LO: To evaluate our mock exam responses and improve our D and E answers Importance of Social Justice? TREATMENT OF POOR… PARABLE OF SHEEP AND GOATS… ELIZABETH FRY / MLK… LIBERATION THEOLOGY… WWJD?... QUOTES ABOUT EQUALITY / FAIRNESS…

6  Treatment of poor –Jesus spent his life caring for the poor and telling others to do the same.  Parable of the Sheep and Goats – Jesus will one day divide people into two groups – sheep are good and goats are bad. The sheep helped the poor, clothes the naked, fed the hungry and visited people in prison so will go to heaven The goats didn’t do any of this so will go to hell.  Elizabeth Fry – Quaker – believed people in prison should be helped to learn new skills and their children should be educated.  MLK – Martin Luther King was a Baptist minister who led people to fight peacefully against racism as he believed God made all men equal.  Liberation Theology – it’s sometimes ok to fight the government if they are not doing enough to help the poor or they are corrupt.  WWJD? – What would Jesus do? If Jesus would help people then so should Christians as this is following his good example.

7  1“A sexual relationship is the most important part of a marriage.”  2“Every unborn child has the right to life.”  3“Religious people have a duty to convert others.”  4“Capital punishment can never be justified”  For each of the E Questions in the exam, you should spend 7 minutes writing your own opinion about this statement. You need to include at least 3 reasons for your opinion. Write the question in your book then your answer underneath. LO: To evaluate our mock exam responses and improve our D and E answers

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