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National Food Security Mission (NFSM) 2013 -14 MEGHALAYA.

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Presentation on theme: "National Food Security Mission (NFSM) 2013 -14 MEGHALAYA."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Food Security Mission (NFSM) 2013 -14 MEGHALAYA

2 Expenditure under various components of NFSM 2013-14 Sl.No.Interventions Approved Rate of Assistance Unit Amount Released Amount Utilized Unspent Balance Financial 1. Cluster Demonstration by State Department of Agriculture with the technical backstopping of ICAR/SAUs/IRRI/ (one cluster of 100 ha) (a).Direct seeded rice/ line transplanting/ SRI (Target 1.5% of area of District) ` 7500/per haHa322.500 Nil (b). Cluster Demonstration on Hybrid Rice (one cluster of 100 ha) target 0.5% of Area District ` 7500/per ha Ha337.500 Nil 2. Seed Distribution (a)Hybrid Rice Seed ` 2000/per qtl Qtls30.000 Nil (a)HYVs Seed ` 500/per qtl Qtls13.980 - 3. Plant and Soil Protection Management a).Liming in Acidic Soils ` 500/per ha ha 21.135 Nil b). Plant Protection Chemicals & bio-agents ` 500/per ha ha21.135 Nil 4. Resource Conservation Technique/Tools a). Conoweeders ` 3000/per machine Nos187.500 Nil b). Knap Sack Sprayers ` 3000/per machine Nos 23.100 Nil 5.Incentive for pump sets ` 10000/per pumpset Nos 40.400 Nil 6.Cropping System based training four sessions is one before Kharif, one each during Kharif and Rabi crops and after Rabi harvest ` 3500/- session ` 14000/- trainingNos24.920 Nil 7.Miscellaneous Expenses:- a). Project Management team & other miscellaneous expenses at District level ` 6·36 lakh per District No. of district 44.520 15.19529.325 b). Project Management team & other miscellaneous expenses at State level ` 13·87 lakh per State No. of State13.8707.3386.532 8. Local Initiatives a). Check Dam :- Water Harvesting structure for promotion of SRI and providing irrigation.etc ` 200 lakh Nos200.000 Nil TOTAL Financial (1 to 8)1280.5601244.70335.857

3 Yield Report of Sali Paddy 2013 as per crop cutting experiment Sl. No.Name/Place of Cluster DemVarietyMethod of planting Yield per ha (MT) 1.East Khasi HillsArize-6444SRI 6.32 SPH-115SRI 4.64 LocalTraditional 3.00 2.Ri-Bhoi Arize-6444 Line Transplanting 4.80 Ranjeet SRI 5.56 Ranjeet Line transplanting 5.18 3.Jaintia HillsArize-6444Line transplanting 6.70 SPH-115SRI 7.19 IR-36Traditional 3.52 Pant-12Traditional 4.30 Arize-6444SRI 9.65 4.West Khasi HillsMEGH-IITransplanted 5.67 5.South Garo HillsLoknath-505Line Transplanting 6.39 6.West Garo HillsMTU-7029Irrigated late transplanted 5.40 Irrigated Traditional 6.24 Rainfed line 6.14 Irrigated natural source 6.60 MTU-1010 Irrigated Line 6.64 Rainfed 5.89 Arize-6444 SRI 7.08 Irrigated 6.92 Line Transplanted 6.23 Local Traditional 4.59 7.East Garo HillsLoknath-505 Line transplanting 5.50 Loknath-505 SRI 6.50 Ranjeet Line Transplanting4.00

4 Yield Report of Boro Paddy 2013 as per crop cutting experiment Sl. No.Name/Place of Cluster DemVarietyMethod of plantingYield per ha (MT) 1. East Khasi HillsMTU 1010 Line Transplanting4.72 2.South west Khasi Hills IR- 64Line Transplanting 4.50 NaveenLine Transplanting 2.9 0 GomitiLine Transplanting 3.20 3.Ri-Bhoi District NaveenLine Transplanting 4.04 IR-64Line Transplanting 3.60 SRI 4.42 4.West Jaintia Hills IR 64 Line Transplanting 4.73 HY-6444 Line Transplanting 5.53 Naveen Line Transplanting 7.26 SPH- 115 Line Transplanting 3.81 5. South West Garo Hills CAU R-1SRI 6.20 NaveenSRI 5.50 IR-64Line Transplanting 5.00 6. North Garo Hills IR-64Line Transplanting 5.90 NaveenLine Transplanting 7.00 7. West Garo Hills IR-64Line Transplanting5.20 Goraknath - 509Line Transplanting5.80 GomtiLine Transplanting5.60 HY-6444SRI7.20 NaveenSRI7.60 Loknath - 505SRI7.10 Loknath - 555SRI7.30 AbhishekLine Transplanting6.20

5 CAU R-1




9 MEGH-II HY - 6444

10 New Innovations/Initiatives Adopted By The State  Introduction of Quality seeds and newly released varieties such as HY- 6444, CAU-R1, Naveen, Gomti, Goraknath-509, Loknath-505 & 555, MEGH-I and MEGH-II which have been distributed for cluster demonstration in different agro-climatic zones of the state has increased the production and productivity of Rice in the identified area of the District. As a result there is high demand of seeds by the farmers after observing the performance of these varieties.  Introduction of new technology such as SRI, etc. have contributed to the doubling/trebling of yield of Paddy in the Farmers field which has brought much satisfaction to paddy grower and increase the potential of enhancing production through increase in area of cultivation under paddy.  Construction of Check dam, water harvesting structures and supply of pump sets has enable the farmers in the lower altitude regions to increase the area under Boro paddy cultivation. Contd….

11  Intervention by lime application in iron toxicity areas has improved the paddy crop health raising the productivity by 30-50 % and enabled farmers to increase their production in the areas where Local Improved Variety of paddy such as MEGH-I, MEGH-II are grown in the high altitude region.  Various interventions proposed are being integrated which benefitted the farmers and increased their production.


13 Road Map Selection of Good Quality Seeds Recommended package of practices Transfer of Technology and Extension Assured Irrigation Methods of cultivation IPMINM Mechanization Soil Health Regular Monitoring Exposure visit


15 Future Strategy  Quality Seeds for drought and flood like situation.  Timely availability of inputs during drought and flood occurrence.  To strengthen the construction of Water harvesting structures and Shallow tubes wells so that more area can be covered for cultivation of Boro paddy.  Temporary fencing may be included in the intervention  Mechanization- Power tillers, seed-drill, paddy transplanter are required which can be made available to farmers through custom hiring centres.


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