This observation was posted on a colleagues door.

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Presentation on theme: "This observation was posted on a colleagues door."— Presentation transcript:

1 This observation was posted on a colleagues door

2 My comment to him via email re this observation

3 You see you have to be very careful about taking this line. Hitler should not be seen as any more representative of Catholicism than Stalin was representative of Atheism.

4 My comment to him via email re this observation You see you have to be very careful about taking this line. Hitler should not be seen as any more representative of Catholicism than Stalin was representative of Atheism. They were both representative of an all-too-human "quality" that quite a lot of people possess - it is inhumanity – Religion may of may not be an issue - well I guess it was in the case of the holocaust.

5 Response Regarding your followup note, I refer to Santayana, who suggested, and rightly so, that those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

6 Response Regarding your followup note, I refer to Santayana, who suggested, and rightly so, that those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. The history of the Jewish nation is clearly delineated in scripture and other writings. The persecution has been ongoing for thousands of years.

7 Response Regarding your followup note, I refer to Santayana, who suggested, and rightly so, that those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. The history of the Jewish nation is clearly delineated in scripture and other writings. The persecution has been ongoing for thousands of years. The instrument used in the admonishment of the chosen people is God's choice, not man's…

8 With or without religion you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion. Steven Weinberg Washington, D.C. (April 1999) or accept evil, ^


10 There is, as we all know, a lot of good advice in the Bible but here is a fascinating example of how some advice - that appears seemingly innocuous - may have very serious consequences.

11 My observations to a colleague via email re a note posted on his door highlighting the fact that a Nobel Laureate was extremely religious.

12 My observations to a colleague via email You see you have to be very careful about taking this line. Hitler should not be seen as any more representative of Catholicism than Stalin was representative of Atheism.

13 My observations to a colleague via email re a note posted on his door highlighting the fact that a Nobel Laureate was extremely religious. You see you have to be very careful about taking this line. Hitler should not be seen as any more representative of Catholicism than Stalin was representative of Atheism.

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