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What’s the connection?. VOTE I know what DDT is I can name an advantage of using DDT I can name a disadvantage of DDT I can discuss the effect of DDT.

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Presentation on theme: "What’s the connection?. VOTE I know what DDT is I can name an advantage of using DDT I can name a disadvantage of DDT I can discuss the effect of DDT."— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s the connection?

2 VOTE I know what DDT is I can name an advantage of using DDT I can name a disadvantage of DDT I can discuss the effect of DDT in a food chain

3 By the end of today’s lesson you will be able to Describe what DDT is and give 2 main uses of DDT. (level 5) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of DDT and give an opinion on it’s use. (level 6) Evaluate how DDT was used. Was it the right thing to do? (level 7 – based on evidence)

4 DDT Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT!) Discovered in 1874 by a German scientist called Othmar Zeidler Thought it was useless In 1939 a Swiss scientist Paul Mueller found the same compound and discovered that it killed insects…

5 What happened next?

6 DDT “A benefit to humanity” Within 4 years it was being mass produced The Italian government used it to reduce an outbreak of typhus disease that was carried by insects The US Army were give tins of the miracle powder for de-lousing troops Paul Mueller won…

7 Within 20 years it was estimated that DDT had prevented 500 million deaths



10 Too Good to be True As time went on scientists began to see the problems with DDT It is insoluble in water but accumulates in fat Works it way up the food chain Implied in an increase in cancers 

11 DDT and Bird Eggs One problem from malaria was that its use was found to weaken the shells of bird eggs How did the DDT get into bird eggs? How many problems can you think of associated with this?

12 DDT Banned

13 By the end of today’s lesson you will be able to Describe what DDT is and give 2 main uses of DDT. (level 5) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of DDT and give an opinion on it’s use. (level 6) Evaluate how DDT was used. Was it the right thing to do? (level 7 – based on evidence)

14 TASK – Complete the worksheet Turn in your graph paper and answer your questions in full sentences please.

15 By the end of today’s lesson you will be able to Describe what DDT is and give 2 main uses of DDT. (level 5) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of DDT and give an opinion on it’s use. (level 6) Evaluate how DDT was used. Was it the right thing to do? (level 7 – based on evidence)

16 VOTE I know what DDT is I can name an advantage of using DDT I can name a disadvantage of DDT I can discuss the effect of DDT in a food chain

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