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HIGHLIGHTS OF THE NATIONAL STRATEGIES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT IN AFRICA A Presentation At the Workshop on Strengthening Planning and Implementation.

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Presentation on theme: "HIGHLIGHTS OF THE NATIONAL STRATEGIES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT IN AFRICA A Presentation At the Workshop on Strengthening Planning and Implementation."— Presentation transcript:

1 HIGHLIGHTS OF THE NATIONAL STRATEGIES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REPORT IN AFRICA A Presentation At the Workshop on Strengthening Planning and Implementation Capacities For Sustainable Development in Post Rio+20 Context INCHEON, REPUBLIC OF KOREA, NOVEMBER 2012

2  Background  NSSD Development and implementation status  Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)  Linkages to other development frameworks  Challenges and needs  Conclusion and recommendations

3 CHARACTERISTICS OF NSSD i. Country ownership and commitment ii. Integrated economic, social and environment al objectives across sectors, territories and generations iii. Broad participation and effective partnership iv. Develop capacity and enabling environment v. Focus on outcomes and means of implementation 3

4 NSSD DEVELOPMENT & IMPLEMENTATION STATUS No action takenSierra Leone Under developmentMorocco, South Africa Awaiting approvalBenin, Mozambique ApprovedSenegal Being Implemented Algeria, Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mauritius, The Gambia, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia 4 62.5 6.3 12.5

5 NSSD DEVELOPMENT PROCESS… SOME EXAMPLES  Algeria: revise existing strategy  integrate NSSD principles; revise NSSD after 2011, taking into account other policies and strategies  Tunisia: A21, 11 th Development Plan process  Mauritius: revising/updating of existing policies and developing a stand alone strategy (Reform Strategy Document) 5

6 6 NB: Ghana: Not Explicit Malawi: not evident Uganda: Not explicit Zambia Not Evident

7 ACTIVITIES AND KEY PLAYERS  Type of NSSD influences activities and key players. Some examples:  Algeria/Tunisia  activities focus on environment pillar, no mention of players  Kenya/Mauritius  investment/reform strategy focus on economy pillar and government players only  Ghana/Uganda  PRS decentralised programmes and partnerships, broad based participation  The Gambia  vision document broad based participation, all dimensions of SD addressed 7

8 MONITORING…  Learning process  critical role for M&E  Indicator set important for monitoring:  All countries have indicators, either in their NSSD or separate documents (Malawi, Tunisia and Zambia)  All indicator sets cover the three pillars of SD  Frequency of monitoring varies  annually (e.g. Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Gambia, Tunisia)  in line with revision timeframe – 3 years (Uganda)  Zambia  quarterly 8

9 …&EVALUATION  Evaluation results in improved NSSD processes:  Better definition of objectives and programmes, including their linkage with implementation plans (Algeria, Tunisia, the Gambia)  Better integration (Ghana)  More realistic targets and budgeting (Kenya)  More inclusive participation (Uganda) 9

10 10 NB: Ghana: Not Explicit Kenya: not evident Malawi: Not explicit Uganda: Not explicit Significant improvement of second generation PRS in terms of: Better integration of SD dimensions (Ghana) Addressing MDGs and targets (Ghana, Gambia, Zambia) Better links with other planning frameworks, e.g. MTEF (Kenya, Gambia)

11 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS  No one size fits all – some countries integrate SD in existing strategies, others take complementary approaches  Whilst priorities addressed vary to reflect national situations, they should cover all dimensions of SD  M&E strategies are valuable, and have led to significant improvements  Time frame and coherence are important – NSSDs should address both intra and intergenerational aspects, and be embedded/embed national long term visions  Ownership, broad participation, commitment and political leadership are crucial, including involvement of MoF/P  Balanced integration of the four dimensions of sustainable development critical for success, ownership and commitment  Strategic processes can help coordination within countries’ actors, but also with e.g. international agencies and development partners 11

12  Thank you

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