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By: Jason Chavez and Alberto Marin.  It is an Infectious disease  It is an Upper Reparatory Infection.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Jason Chavez and Alberto Marin.  It is an Infectious disease  It is an Upper Reparatory Infection."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Jason Chavez and Alberto Marin

2  It is an Infectious disease  It is an Upper Reparatory Infection

3  Streptococcus pyogenes causes the disease  Causes a toxin which creates a rash  Gram+ Bacteria  Spherical

4  Children ages 4-8  Not all kids a sensitive to the toxin  15-20% of school kids may be asymptomatic carriers.  Mostly occurs during winter

5  Through direct contact with mucus  Fluid from the nose  Saliva from infected person  Through coughing

6  Fever  Sore throat  Flushed face  Nausea  Vomiting  The most obvious symptom is a red rash around the whole body

7  Condition of tonsils, throat, tongue  Check neck to see if lymph nodes are enlarged  Check appearance and texture of the rash  Throat swab for testing of bacteria

8  Prescribe antibiotic  Follow doctor’s instructions for full recovery  Usually treated with light antibiotics such as penicillin pill for 10 days  People allergic to penicillin can use erythromycin

9  Wash hands  Don’t share dining utensils  Cover your mouth and nose to prevent spread  Wash utensils properly and toys  Don’t touch face with dirty hands

10  Mayo clinic, staff. (2010). Diseases and Conditions Scarlet fever. Retrieved from conditions/scarlet-fever/basics/definition/CON- 20030976 conditions/scarlet-fever/basics/definition/CON- 20030976

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