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3 Life expectancy Women tended to die earlier – child-bearing?

4 Life expectancy Women tended to die earlier – child-bearing? Though men lived no longer than 50, life expectancy for both sexes was longer than Neanderthals.

5 Life expectancy Women tended to die earlier – child-bearing? Though men lived no longer than 50, life expectancy for both sexes was longer than Neanderthals. Older people may have been a burden, but knowledge may have offset this.

6 Origin & Spread ** Copy diagram from board **

7 Regional continuity hypothesis Also called ‘multiregional’ Theorises that modern African, Asians and Europeans evolved independently from H. erectus, and H. ergaster.

8 Regional continuity hypothesis Also called ‘multiregional’ Theorises that modern African, Asians and Europeans evolved independently from H. erectus, and H. ergaster. Beginning approx. 1.5 mya.

9 Regional continuity hypothesis Also called ‘multiregional’ Theorises that modern African, Asians and Europeans evolved independently from H. erectus, and H. ergaster. Beginning approx. 1.5 mya. Gene flow continued throughout so each population remained the same species.

10 Regional continuity hypothesis Also called ‘multiregional’ Theorises that modern African, Asians and Europeans evolved independently from H. erectus, and H. ergaster. Beginning approx. 1.5 mya. Gene flow continued throughout so each population remained the same species. Proof = -Considerable distinctive variation between different groups of modern humans – due to plenty of time (since common ancestor of H.sapiens). Genetic variation is shown by physical differences being preserved today.

11 Regional continuity hypothesis Also called ‘multiregional’ Theorises that modern African, Asians and Europeans evolved independently from H. erectus, and H. ergaster. Beginning approx. 1.5 mya. Gene flow continued throughout so each population remained the same species. Proof = -Considerable distinctive variation between different groups of modern humans – due to plenty of time (since common ancestor of H.sapiens). Genetic variation is shown by physical differences being preserved today. -Lack of tools developed in Africa found in Asia. If existing species were replaced by invasion, then surely there would e evidence of their tools found.

12 Replacement Hypothesis Also called “eve” or “out of Africa” hypothesis

13 Replacement Hypothesis Also called “eve” or “out of Africa” hypothesis Theorises that all modern humans evolved recently (200’000 ya) in Africa before spreading to Asia and Europe, replacing the less advanced hominid species.

14 Replacement Hypothesis Also called “eve” or “out of Africa” hypothesis Theorises that all modern humans evolved recently (200’000 ya) in Africa before spreading to Asia and Europe, replacing the less advanced hominid species. Strong molecular basis – comparisons in mitochondrial DNA between different groups of modern humans = can trace everyone back to single female ancestor.

15 Replacement Hypothesis Also called “eve” or “out of Africa” hypothesis Theorises that all modern humans evolved recently (200’000 ya) in Africa before spreading to Asia and Europe, replacing the less advanced hominid species. Strong molecular basis – comparisons in mitochondrial DNA between different groups of modern humans = can trace everyone back to single female ancestor. Proof: - Oldest modern human fossils found in Africa – show little evidence of H. erectus features. Disappearance of existing hominids = sudden appearance of H. sapiens.

16 Replacement Hypothesis Also called “eve” or “out of Africa” hypothesis Theorises that all modern humans evolved recently (200’000 ya) in Africa before spreading to Asia and Europe, replacing the less advanced hominid species. Strong molecular basis – comparisons in mitochondrial DNA between different groups of modern humans = can trace everyone back to single female ancestor. Proof: -Oldest modern human fossils found in Africa – show little evidence of H. erectus features. Disappearance of existing hominids = sudden appearance of H. sapiens. -There has been little time for genetic change to accumulate through mutation. Different races show physical differences to be genetically minor = homogeneity.

17 Replacement Hypothesis Also called “eve” or “out of Africa” hypothesis Theorises that all modern humans evolved recently (200’000 ya) in Africa before spreading to Asia and Europe, replacing the less advanced hominid species. Strong molecular basis – comparisons in mitochondrial DNA between different groups of modern humans = can trace everyone back to single female ancestor. Proof: -Oldest modern human fossils found in Africa – show little evidence of H. erectus features. Disappearance of existing hominids = sudden appearance of H. sapiens. -There has been little time for genetic change to accumulate through mutation. Different races show physical differences to be genetically minor = homogeneity.

18 Overall The more accepted view = replacement model.

19 Overall The more accepted view = replacement model. Evolution on a scale necessary for the replacement model would most likely take place allopatrically = H. sapiens successfully replacing less advanced forms over time.

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