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Tissues, Organs, & Systems Please follow along in your Resource Books!

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Presentation on theme: "Tissues, Organs, & Systems Please follow along in your Resource Books!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tissues, Organs, & Systems Please follow along in your Resource Books!

2 Definitions: TISSUE: groups of cells of a similar structure which perform specialized functions (examples: muscle tissue, connective tissue, bone tissue) ORGANS: groups of similar tissues organized into recognizable units (examples: heart, kidney, liver) SYSTEMS: a collection of tissues & organs that work together to perform a specific & uniformed function (examples: digestive system, nervous system, circulatory system)

3 E PITHELIUM – T HE C OVERING T ISSUE cells may be thin & flat, tall & columnar, or any shape in between may be a single layer or up to several layers of cells functions of a covering & lining tissue

4 Function of Epithelium covers the exposed surfaces of the body – the skin, the eyes, the lips lines the cavities, tracts, vessels, & ducts in the interior of the body (lines the digestive tract, the blood vessels, the abdominal & chest cavities, the ducts of glands, as well as making up the secretory cells of glands)

5 C ONNECTIVE & S UPPORTING T ISSUE These tissues are characterized by the large amount of extracellular, or nonliving, materials they contain. –Connective tissue –Bones & cartilage tissue –Fat tissue

6 Connective Tissue composed mainly of the protein collagen –Overlapping tissues form a fabric-like consistency that is very tough and durable –Elastic fibers within tissue make it very flexible and elastic –Binds cells to cells, cells to tissues, tissues to organs, and just about everything else!

7 Bone & Cartilage Tissue Living tissue composed of calcium and phosphorus compounds Rigid, strong, and tough

8 F AT T ISSUE Composed of specialized cells that each take up & store fat as a single globule within the interior of each cell –Found under skin; much of it is found in & about internal organs

9 Muscle – The Contracting Tissue Striated muscle –Moves the body parts –Composed of bundles of long, thin, cylindrical fibers arranged parallel to one another –A.K.A skeletal muscle Smooth muscle –Found in the internal organs & blood vessels –Unstriated muscle –Long, spindle-shaped cells Cardiac muscle –Found only in the heart –Cell size and shape is intermediate between striated and smooth

10 The Conducting Tissue Nerve cells (neurons) –Three parts of nerve cells are cell body, dendrites, and axons

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