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Home Sweet Home Things That Make for Happy & Healthy Homes.

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Presentation on theme: "Home Sweet Home Things That Make for Happy & Healthy Homes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Home Sweet Home Things That Make for Happy & Healthy Homes

2 Introductory Thoughts Home life should not be a drudgery, rather it should be a blessing God intended for the family and the home to be for our good Healthy homes require assembly In our lesson this morning, I would like to present some suggestions that will help our homes be healthy and happy

3 Healthy Homes are Committed Do you remember the first year of your marriage? Commitment is the glue that holds homes together Commitment is necessary in order to allow time to heal wounds and change behavior 1 Peter 4:8

4 Healthy Homes Honor Each Other 1 Peter 3:7 Ephesians 5:33 Nobody knows you better than your spouse and your children

5 Healthy Homes Keep Courtship Alive The plant and sunlight Ephesians 5:29 What would your spouse think if you acted in the same manner after marriage as you did prior to marriage? A leading reason people say they no longer love their spouse is due to neglected courtship that has allowed romance to die

6 Healthy Homes Practice Forgiveness Ephesians 4:32 Harboring resentment toward each other or failing to let things go is a major factor in breakdowns in the home Failing to forgive is like a slop bucket True Forgiveness is seldom practiced because it is so costly

7 Healthy Homes Put God First A home will never reach its full potential, will never be what it should or be filled with joy and peace, unless God is factored in Matthew 6:33 God created the home and knows best how we ought to function within it The problem in todays homes is that we have forgotten the roles God has given God has given us the home as a means to prepare for heaven

8 Concluding Thoughts A successful home does not depend on finding the right mate, as much as being the right kind of mate Whether your home is happy and healthy depends on you as an individual The first step in the happy and healthy home is being in the right relationship with God

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