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Innovation Math Station Cool Spring Elementary 4 th Grade.

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Presentation on theme: "Innovation Math Station Cool Spring Elementary 4 th Grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Innovation Math Station Cool Spring Elementary 4 th Grade

2 “One thing about trains (teaching): It doesn’t matter where they’re going.. What matters is deciding to get on.”

3 Teaching Without the Text Foldables Resource Binders Math Journals Targeted Learning Stations

4 What Does Math Time Look Like? Every student is working at a center (teacher led or not). Each center is focused on a previously taught skill. All centers may or may not be visited in a day

5 A Typical Math Time 10-12 minutes of explaining center/ review any skills 3-4 different stations set up Each station is between 20-25 minutes Teacher station has a follow up station Each station addresses different learning styles

6 Why Does Teaching Without a Textbook Work? Skills that have previously been taught are constantly reviewed Focus is on the “why” in Math now, not the process Textbook is not aligned to the Common Core Teacher Station allows for small group focus to see “Who gets it?”

7 Center Scenarios Daily 5 –Math with a Partner (computation- fact practice) –Math by Myself (Manipulatives, practice work) –Math Vocabulary –Math Writing –Math Technology 6 Cycle Rotation (not all in one day) Daily Math Stations (3-4 per day)

8 Time to Explore Each station has ideas for that specific standard. 5 minutes to visit a station and then we will switch You may take out stations and play the actual games.

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