1 COCOM Baseline Exercise Definition COL Mike Rose Chief, Operations Group Joint Warfighting Center 25 August 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "1 COCOM Baseline Exercise Definition COL Mike Rose Chief, Operations Group Joint Warfighting Center 25 August 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 COCOM Baseline Exercise Definition COL Mike Rose Chief, Operations Group Joint Warfighting Center 25 August 2009

2 2 Background Growing Demand Signals from Afghanistan and Iraq: –Additional MRX in FY 10 for RC South (MARFOR) –SAV, MRX assistance and persistent presence as new 3-Star HQ is stood up in Afghanistan (IFC) –SAV and tabletop exercise for MNF/C-I as the headquarters transition to USFOR-I –Additional SAVs for ISAF and IJC through FY 10 as required –SAV for TF Palladin Significant impact on OT’s and functional training SMEs Growing Demand for expanded Exercise coverage by COCOMs: –Functional Combatant Commands beginning to utilize and grow their exercise requirements from minor to intermediate levels. –Geographic Combatant Commands continue to build on success of their programs - increased requests for additional planning evolutions, M&S, multiple tiered events. Need to establish a baseline for exercise support Within the baseline support constraints, Desk Officers will continue to work with COCOMs to meet their unique training objectives / requirements

3 3 JTD O/Ts Manning & Supported Events Non-Exercise Events supported by DTT: Pinnacle / Capstone / Keystone Overseas Contingency Operations support: JFCOM FSE Iraq & Afghanistan USF-I C2T S/CRS CRC Foundations Course Korean JFC JTT Stand Up DTT Manning: On-hand vs Authorized 69 vs 113 69 includes inbounds of 5 69 includes 4 augments from JFCOM J4 18 Projected Losses for CY 2010 Shortages by Specialty Skill: 2 x 51J4 – USAF Legal Officer 1 x 27A – USA Legal Officer 1 x 2529 – USN Intel Officer 4 x 33S4 – USAF Communications & Information Staff Officer 2 x 46A – USA Public Affairs Officer 2 x 21B – USA Engineer Officer 1 x 13XX – USN Aviator Alternative Solutions being reviewed: Improve resourcing of OT billets by Services Provide temporary fills (18-24 months) for OTs from within JWFC/JFCOM

4 4 Support Statement JWFC will provide a “Standard Level” of support to 2 Joint Event Life Cycles (JELC) per Combatant Command per year. JWFC will provide 1 Deployable Training Teams (DTT) per Combatant Command per year. –Additional DTT availability contingent upon support of Overseas Contingency Operations

5 5 JWFC COCOM Event Definition/Support The JWFC “Standard Level” of Exercise Support consists of: Change: –One Deployable Training Team (DTT) per year, with 1 additional team provided as available What has not changed per exercise: –Communication Support –Model and Simulation Support –CJCS directed Functional Capabilities Support –24 hour Event Execution Support –Event Execution is less than or equal to 2 weeks –2 Event Tests per Exercise

6 6 JWFC Exercise Support (Standard Level) CDCIPCMSELMPCFPCACADEvent Test (2) CPX (Exec) FAAR & Func. AARs CSR DEV JTD01011Task organized based on functional requirements 0* One Exercise only: Task organized Deployed Training Team (22) DTT produces and facilitates DTT contributes and edits JED17777001310 JSD1202203500 JSTJTD - 0 JED – 2 JSD - 1 Total - 3 JTD - 1 JED – 3 JSD - 1 Total - 5 JTD - 0 JED – 5 JSD - 0 Total - 5 JTD - 1 JED – 5 JSD – 3 Total -9 JTD - 1 JED – 3 JSD – 3 Total – 7 JTD - 3 JED – 0 JSD - 0 Total - 3 JTD - 0 JED – 14 JSD - 7 Total -21 JTD - 11 JED – 24 JSD 43 Total - 67 JTD-11 JED – 0 JSD - 0 Total - 11 JTD-11 JED – 0 JSD - 0 Total - 11 Total # Pers 5151218163-20241173433 Est # Hours** 200600480720640120-80096021294N/A * One Exercise only per COCOM per year **Represents hours for conference attendance only. Does not reflect time required to develop scenario and other functional exercise control products and testing between conferences.

7 7 COCOM EVENT Y 16 8 COCOM EVENT Z 28 11 KEYSTONE 1 6 MPC E FPC D FPC C Academics A 26 21CAPSTONE 25 30 5 20 UE EVENT X IPC B JTDJEDJSDJST Requested Personnel 966723232 Available Personnel 515621227 Capacity Remaining -% Standard Level Support Example (Example 1) 30 Day Window

8 8 COCOM EVENT Y 17 27 8 24 COCOM EVENT W IPC B IPC G MPC H MPC H FPC A MSEL Synch E IPC F JTDJEDJSDJST Requested Personnel 445418186 Available Personnel 515621227 Capacity Remaining 14%0.04%14%18% Standard Level Support Example (Example 2) 626 COCOM EVENT X COCOM EVENT Z 17 21 FPC C MPC D MPC D 30 Day Window

9 9 COCOM EVENT Y 17 27 8 24 COCOM EVENT W IPC B IPC G MPC H MPC H FPC A MSEL Synch E IPC F JTDJEDJSDJST Requested Personnel 555418187 Available Personnel 515621227 Capacity Remaining -%0.04%14%18% Standard Level Support Example (Example 2 with SAV) 626 COCOM EVENT X COCOM EVENT Z 17 21 FPC C MPC D MPC D Afghanistan SAV 6 17 30 Day Window

10 10 Discussion

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