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Ecological Succession. more than 1 population in same area at the same time. Remember … a community…

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1 Ecological Succession

2 more than 1 population in same area at the same time. Remember … a community…

3 Any abiotic or biotic factor that limits the numbers, reproduction, or distribution of organisms Examples: sunlight, climate, temperature, water, nutrients, fire, soil chemistry, and space, and other living things. Remember … a limiting factor…

4 The variety of organisms in a given area Ecosystems with high biodiversity -- more able to resist damage. Remember … biodiversity… severe weather human activities. Ecosystems with LOW biodiversity – not as healthy … don’t recover well

5 An upper / lower limit of what an organism can survive. Range of tolerance

6 When abiotic/biotic factors change and ….. one community replaces another Ecological Succession

7 Steps of Ecological Succession Primary succession 1) Primary succession - occurs on an area of newly exposed rock / sand / lava / any area that has no living (biotic) community PIONEER SPECIES Secondary succession 2) Secondary succession- takes place where a community has been removed, e.g., in a plowed field or a clear­cut forest Climax Community 3) Climax Community

8 Climax Community the terminal stage of an ecological succession sequence remains relatively unchanged (as long as biotic and abiotic factors remain stable)

9 Ecological Succession


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