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Why labor unions were needed: Low pay Long hours Unsafe working conditions.

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2 Why labor unions were needed: Low pay Long hours Unsafe working conditions

3 Labor Union Organized groups of workers that demand better pay and working conditions from their employers

4 American Federation of Labor 1886 (labor union) represented skilled workers in numerous industries Samuel Gompers

5 The Power of Labor Unions Strike – a stopping of work by workers to force their employer to meet certain Demands A strike (stopping of work) could cause a business to lose a lot of money

6 Businesses fight Back Strikebreakers –someone hired by the business to replace striking workers. Used as a technique to break up a strike. Sometimes strikers lost their jobs and were replaced by strikebreakers Eliot was president of Harvard University from 1869-1909

7 The Homestead Strike of 1892 Where: Carnegie’s steel plant in Homestead, PA

8 Why: To protest wage cuts enacted by plant managers Henry Clay Frick - manager of the Homestead plant

9 What: Managers hired strikebreakers and 300 armed guards to protect the steel plant

10 Results: 10 people were killed during a fight between guards and striking workers. The strike failed when the plant began operating again using non-union workers

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