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Frankenstein: Background Information British Literature Mr. Asher.

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1 Frankenstein: Background Information British Literature Mr. Asher

2 Frankenstein cont.’d Foremost example of “Gothic” novel Horace Walpole’s (English) The Castle of Otranto (1765) was first “Gothic” novel This genre had its hayday in the 1790’s. Landmark Gothic fiction includes: –William Beckford’s Vathek –Ann Radcliffe’s Mysteries of Udolpho –Bram Stoker’s Dracula

3 Frankenstein Cont.’d –“Gothic,” during Renaissance, meant cruelty and uncivilized behavior. –3 components of “Gothic:” barbarous (like Gothic tribes of Middle Ages) medieval (assoc. of castles or monasteries filled with subterranean passages, hidden panels, trapdoors, and chivalry) supernatural (mystery and terror)

4 Frankenstein cont.’d Also considered by many to be the first sci- fi novel. Developed during the Romantic Period (late 18th century to mid-19th century). This genre satisfied the reading public’s desire for mystery to replace the certainties of the 18th century as well as for awe and fear to replace rationalism.

5 Frankenstein cont.’d The Romantic Movement revolt against authority, tradition and the Classical order Pervaded Western civilization from late 18th century to the mid-19th century. –Originated in Germany and England: concerned with the individual, the subjective, the irrational, the imaginative and emotional feelings. Its themes are often historical, nationalistic fervor or strivings, and the sublime beauties of nature. –By 19th century, Romanticism is established with Classicism as the two major polarities of ALL art forms.

6 Frankenstein cont.’d Romantic authors included the following: –Fredrick Von Schlegel –William Wordsworth –Samuel Taylor Coleridge –Madame de Stail –John Keats –Lord Byron –Percy Bysshe Shelley English poets

7 Frankenstein cont.’d The author Shelley’s mistress and later wife, Mary Godwin Shelley, was active in helping advance both the Romantic Movement and the Gothic novel genre. Born in 1797 to William Godwin, a political theorist and author, and Mary Wollstonecraft, an ardent fighter for women’s rights and a leading literary figure

8 Frankenstein cont.’d Her mother died soon after her birth and she was raised in the advanced intellectual atmosphere of her father’s circle. In 1814, when she was only seventeen, she met Shelley, who promptly left his wife, Harriet. They eloped to the Continent and settled first in France and later in Switzerland.

9 Frankenstein cont.’d After Harriet committed suicide in 1816, they married and settled in Italy. In 1816, the Shelley’s were staying with Lord Byron, his physician, Dr. John olidori, and Matthew Lewis at his villa near Geneva, Switzerland. Byron was reading German ghost stories and suggested they should each write one as a competition.

10 Frankenstein cont.’d Frankenstein came from this effort So did the first English vampire story, Polidori’s The Vampyre.

11 Frankenstein cont.’d The Novel –Better than most Gothic novels, Frankenstein involves a complicated plot with a story within a story within a story –The narrative is written by the Arctic explorer Walton to his sister in England. –Within these letters is the narrative of Victor Frankenstein, and within HIS narrative is the firsthand account of the monster, himself.

12 Frankenstein cont.’d Your task: To determine for yourself who is to blame for all the misery and despair that unfolds. Many readers compare this work with Adam’s banishment from Eden for desiring the secrets of life and death, or the wrath of the gods on man for stealing the celestial fire, as in the Prometheus legend.

13 Frankenstein Cont.’d Or is this an idealistic criticism and denial of Romantic optimism? The mystery remains because critics have suggested these, and many other interpretations. Shelley wrote several other novels: –Valperga (1823) –The Last Man (1826) –Lodore (1835) –Falkner (1837) Frankenstein (1818) was the only success.

14 Frankenstein Cont.’d Mary’s husband died in 1823 and she returned to England with her son. She died in 1851 at the age of… You figure it out!

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