The order of things The classification of animals: A. Belonging to the emperor B. Embalmed C. Tame D. Sucking pigs E. Sirens F. Fabulous G. Stray dogs.

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Presentation on theme: "The order of things The classification of animals: A. Belonging to the emperor B. Embalmed C. Tame D. Sucking pigs E. Sirens F. Fabulous G. Stray dogs."— Presentation transcript:


2 The order of things The classification of animals: A. Belonging to the emperor B. Embalmed C. Tame D. Sucking pigs E. Sirens F. Fabulous G. Stray dogs H. Included in present classification I. Frenzied J. Innumerable K. Drawn with a very fine camelhair brush L. Et cetera M. Having just broken the water pitcher N. That from a long way off look like flies ”Ancient Chinese encyclopedia titled Celestial Empire of Benevolent Knowledge


4 Pretty Woman mkKviMfi24s

5 Fanny och Alexander YyEu4&feature=related YyEu4&feature=related

6 FemaleMale EmotionReason BodySoul PrivatePublic PassiveActive IrrationalRational WeaknessStrength ChaosOrder

7 Symbolic Inversion Culture/orderNature/Chaos CivilizedPrimitive CultivatedWild HumanBestial ControlledUncontrolled MannersVulgar RationalIrrational ReasonEmotion HeadBody ThoughtHand PureImpure MoralAmoral HighLow IndividualCrowd Upper classLower class

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