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2014 届中考一轮复习 九年级 Unit 9 易错点训练 & 能力提升 ┃能力提升训练┃ Ⅰ. 单项选择 ( )1.It's used for ________ clearly in the dark. A . seeing B . see C . looking D . look ( )2.I.

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Presentation on theme: "2014 届中考一轮复习 九年级 Unit 9 易错点训练 & 能力提升 ┃能力提升训练┃ Ⅰ. 单项选择 ( )1.It's used for ________ clearly in the dark. A . seeing B . see C . looking D . look ( )2.I."— Presentation transcript:


2 2014 届中考一轮复习 九年级 Unit 9 易错点训练 & 能力提升


4 ┃能力提升训练┃ Ⅰ. 单项选择 ( )1.It's used for ________ clearly in the dark. A . seeing B . see C . looking D . look ( )2.I ________ some salt on the salad and it ________ wonderful. A . threw; drank B . sprinkled; tasted C . threw; tasted D . sprinkled; drank A B

5 ( )3.________ they are poor they are happy. A . Because B . Since C . However D . Although ( )4. The death of the emperor Kangxi ________ a mystery. A. gives B. lives C. remains D. continues D C

6 ( )5. The leaves in the water produced a ________ smell. A. please B. pleased C. pleasure D. pleasant ( )6. The building is currently being used ________ a warehouse( 仓库 ) . A. for B. by C. as D. to D C

7 ( )7. We met ________ at the airport. A. with mistake B. by accident C. by mistake D. in accident ( )8. The workers ________ the news this morning by the director. A. were told B. is told C. tell D. tells B A

8 Ⅱ. 完形填空 The invention of the camera goes far into the past. In the 1500s, man was experimenting with cameras that made images. But man didn't find a way to make the pictures continue to exist for all the time __1__ the early 1800s. Even then, photo­graphy was a new field. Most families had their pictures __2__ by photographers. People did not own cameras because taking pictures

9 and developing the films were very difficult. In 1884, George Eastman changed photography by __3__ a kind of film that could fit into a small camera. Because the new film was__4__ to use, many people began to buy cameras. When they had __5__ their films, people returned their cameras to the factory. There, the films were developed, and pictures were __6__. Then more films were put into the cameras, which were sent back to the owners, along __7__ their pictures.

10 Today's cameras are __8__ easier to use, and people can put in their own films. Photography has become a growing hobby. There are also many new jobs in the field of photography. One of the most important kinds of work is in news reporting. Newspapers, magazines, and televisions all need pictures to tell their stories. Photographers help scientists__9__ taking pictures through microscopes and telescopes. Deep­sea divers

11 take pictures of ocean plants and animals, while astronauts take their cameras into __10__. Man finds new uses for the camera every day.

12 ( )1. A. before B. until C. when D. while ( )2. A. taken B. put up C. drawn D. taken away ( )3. A. making B. watching C. doing D. inventing ( )4. A. difficult B. easy C. quick D. safe ( )5. A. used for B. in use C. used to D. used up B A D B D

13 ( )6. A. taken B. done C. made D. drawn ( )7. A. to B. into C. with D. including ( )8. A. more B. very C. too D. much ( )9. A. to B. by C. with D. in ( )10. A. cars B. planes C. water D. space C C D B D

14 Ⅲ. 书面表达 你知道雨伞是谁发明的吗?请根据下面表格中的内容 来介绍一下雨伞。 Nameumbrella Invented time400 years ago WhoBy Lu Ban's wife CountryChina Be used forkeeping away from rain Be made ofplastic cloth

15 One possible version : We usually use umbrellas when it is raining. But do you know who invented them? Regarding the invention of umbrella, there are many folk legends, among which the most widely spread one is the story about Lu Ban's wife inventing umbrellas 400 years ago. As the folklore tells, umbrellas were invented by a Chinese woman in ancient time. She was carpenter Lu Ban's wife. Lu Ban usually

16 worked outside and he often got caught in the rain. So his wife came up with an idea. She cut the bamboos into pieces and covered it with fur, but now they are made of plastic cloth. They are used for keeping away from rain.

17 ┃易错点针对训练┃ 单项选择 ( )1. [2012· 常州 ] As the curtain ________ , the famous singer came out. The fans ________ and screamed with excitement. A. was raised; rose B. had been raised; were raised C. rose; were raised D. had risen; raised A

18 ( )2. The old over 90 ________ not only by their family but also by the government in many places. A. is looked at B. are taken good care of C. are taken good care D. is looking after B [ 解析 ] 考查一般现在时的被动语态。 the old 表示老 人这一类人,看作复数;一般情况下不及物动词没 有被动语态,一些动词短语可以有被动语态,但短 语中的介词、副词不能省略。故选 B 。

19 ( )3. [2012· 佛山 ] Air must ________ fresh all the time. It's good for our health. A. keep B. is kept C. be kept C [ 解析 ] 考查含情态动词的被动语态,其结构是 “ 情态 动词﹢ be ﹢过去分词 ” 。

20 ( )4. [2012· 黔西南 ] A football match between Class Two and Class Three ________ tomorrow afternoon. A. is held B. was held C. must be held D. will be held ( )5. The telephone ________ by a well­known scientist, Bell. A. invented B. inventing C. was invented D. is invented D C

21 ( )6. Who were the shoes with adjustable heels invented ________ ? A. with B. of C. for D. by D

22 ( )7. Tea ________ brought to the Western world ________1610. A. isn't; until B. wasn't; until C. didn't; until D. was; until B [ 解析 ] 本题考查 not…until 的用法。句意为:茶直 到 1610 年才传入西方。 “ 直到 …… 才 ” 用 not…until 来表示。又因为这个句子是被动语态,而且是发 生在过去的动作,因此用 was 。

23 ( )8. Mom added ________ but the soup still wasn't ________. A. salty; salt enough B. salty; enough salt C. salt; enough salty D. salt; salty enough D


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